10 African Traditions Every American Should Adopt

10 African Traditions Every American Should Adopt


Africa is one of the most beautiful and diverse continents in the world. There are so many incredible African traditions that have been passed down through the generations, but they’ve somehow been lost as countries transition into modernity. It’s time to revive these beautiful customs and bring them back into our everyday lives!

10 African Traditions Every American Should Adopt

Black Americans are descendants of Africans

You may be surprised to learn that African Americans are the descendants of Africans. Yes, you read that correctly: Black people living in America today are a part of the African diaspora.

The first Africans were brought over as slaves by Europeans who wanted to profit off their labor, but over time many have stayed in this country and made lives here for themselves and their families. Today there are more than 40 million African Americans living in America–so even though they’re often referred to as “African-Americans,” they’re actually just Americans who happen to have some heritage from Africa!

Traditional African culture is based on communal and familial values

Traditional African culture is based on the family, and the family is the center of society. The importance of this institution cannot be overstated; it provides support and security, love and affection, pride and self-worth.

In Africa, the family unit serves as a source of strength during hard times–a time when you need someone who understands you better than anyone else in your life can possibly understand you.

African culture promotes good hygiene and cleanliness

You might be surprised to learn that African culture promotes good hygiene and cleanliness. This is one of the many things that makes it so unique, especially when compared with American culture. In America, we tend to focus on individualism and self-expression rather than communal values like those found in Africa.

In Africa, there are many traditions surrounding personal hygiene that differ greatly from Western practices:

  • Bathing regularly (and often) is considered essential for good health in African societies; bathing is something everyone does together at certain points during the day or week–it’s not just for special occasions or when you’re feeling dirty!
  • Taking care of your teeth by brushing them regularly is also very important; many people use traditional toothbrushes made from animal hair instead of plastic ones because they feel cleaner after using them (and they’re less likely to cause irritation if used daily). There’s even an old saying in Swahili: “Mzungu ni mdogo nguvu” which translates into English as “The white man has two mouths.”

The concept of “Ase” is an important part of African culture

Ase is a Yoruba word that means “balance” and is used to describe the balance of nature, the universe and life itself. It’s also used as a way of describing good versus evil in society.

The concept of Ase is important in African culture because it helps us understand how we should live our lives in order to achieve balance within ourselves as well as with others around us.

Africa has been a crossroad for many different cultures over the years. Take a moment to explore some of those traditions that are leaving their mark on modern Africa.

Africa has been a crossroad for many different cultures over the years. Take a moment to explore some of those traditions that are leaving their mark on modern Africa.

African culture is based on communal and familial values, which means there’s always something fun happening around you. Whether it’s music festivals or carnivals, there’s always something happening in this beautiful country. Traditional African culture promotes good hygiene and cleanliness–and it should be no surprise that this extends into their food as well!

There are several traditional African festivals that will leave you in awe of the continent’s diversity.

There are several traditional African festivals that will leave you in awe of the continent’s diversity. Some festivals are celebrated by all Africans, others are specific to a certain country or region. The dates of these events change from year to year and range from religious ceremonies to secular celebrations. Some festivals occur on a regular basis while others happen once in a lifetime.

African art is highly prized across the world, but there are many talented artists in each country. Go explore a local market or museum to see if you can find something special.

In addition to being a great place to explore and learn about African culture, there are many talented artists in each country. Go explore a local market or museum to see if you can find something special.


If you want to learn more about Africa and its traditions, there are a number of resources available online. You can also find local events that celebrate African culture in your area. In addition, we highly recommend taking a trip abroad so that you can experience these amazing cultures firsthand!