10 Reasons Why Australians Argue That They Are The Best In The World

10 Reasons Why Australians Argue That They Are The Best In The World


For years, Australians have argued that we are the best in the world. In fact, we can’t even agree on what exactly makes us so great. The truth is that Australia is a massive country with a diverse landscape and people. We have some pretty remarkable natural wonders and wildlife which are unlike any other place in the world! So here are 10 reasons why Australians argue that they are the best:

10 Reasons Why Australians Argue That They Are The Best In The World

Australia is not a continent, it’s a country.

Australia is not a continent, it’s a country.

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world by land area and has a population of more than 23 million people. It’s also home to some of the best beaches in the world but most importantly, this country has all four seasons: summer (December to February), autumn (March to May), winter (June to August) and spring (September to November).

Australia is more isolated than any other continent, making us unique.

Australia is the world’s smallest continent and the only one to have been occupied by humans for at least 40,000 years. It’s also the most isolated, with a distance of more than 5,000 kilometres between its nearest neighbour, New Zealand.

The long isolation from other land masses has resulted in unique flora and fauna–including kangaroos and koalas–and has given rise to some interesting local customs (like eating Vegemite).

Australians can speak English, but also a variety of Aboriginal languages.

There are many Aboriginal languages, but they’re not just spoken by Aboriginal people. In fact, many of these languages have been adopted by non-Aboriginal communities.

Aboriginal languages are also not limited to Australia or the past–they can be found all over the world today!

We have the most venomous animals in the world (that are not snakes).

If you’re from Australia, then you are well aware of the fact that we have some of the most interesting and unique animals in the world. Our wildlife is unlike any other continent’s, with many creatures being endemic to our landmass.

Australian animals don’t just include snakes–they also include spiders and scorpions! In fact, Australia is home to more venomous creatures than any other continent in the world; this includes 50 types of snakes and 20 species of spiders (not including tarantulas).

The Australian kangaroo has been our symbol since 1901 and is recognised by the rest of the world as an official symbol for Australia.

The kangaroo is the only large animal that can hop, and it can move both forwards and backwards at high speed. Kangaroos can jump up to 7 metres in one leap! They use their tails for balance when they are jumping or running at high speeds so that they don’t fall over.

The Great Barrier Reef is so big that it can be seen from space!

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living organism, and it’s visible from space.

In fact, a photograph taken from the International Space Station shows just how big the reef really is:

We have amazing landscapes which include deserts, tropical rainforests and snow-capped mountains.

Australia is a diverse country, and we have some of the most amazing landscapes in the world. We have deserts, tropical rainforests and snow-capped mountains.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s most famous natural wonders. It stretches for over 1,400 kilometres along Queensland’s coast and is home to more than 500 types of coral species as well as many other marine animals including sharks and dolphins.

The Blue Mountains are another popular attraction located west of Sydney city centre in New South Wales (NSW), where you can hike through beautiful forests or go horse riding along trails through valleys covered with wildflowers during springtime when they bloom! If hiking isn’t really your thing then maybe try visiting Uluru instead? This huge red rock has been sacred since Aboriginal times however now people come from all over Australia just so they can climb up onto its top surface which sits at nearly 400 metres above sea level – wowza!!

We have more than 700 national parks covering 850 million hectares – that’s more than 10{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of landmass in Australia! They are protected and are ours to explore.

  • We have more than 700 national parks covering 850 million hectares – that’s more than 10{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of landmass in Australia! They are protected and are ours to explore.
  • We have the highest average life expectancy at birth in the world at 82 years old, with women living longer than men by an average of 3 years (81 vs 79).

There are many reasons why Australians argue that we are the best in the world!

There are many reasons why Australians argue that we are the best in the world!

  • We have amazing landscapes and animals.
  • Our multiculturalism makes us a young country, which means we’re not stuck in our ways like older countries.
  • Our culture is diverse and open to new ideas, so you can do whatever you want here without anyone telling you otherwise (unless of course it breaks the law).


We hope this article has given you a new perspective on our great country, Australia. We have so much to offer and we are very proud of our culture and heritage. It is important for us to remember where we came from and what makes us unique as individuals; after all, it is these differences that make us stronger as a nation!