10 Vibrant African Festivals to Attend in 2013

10 Vibrant African Festivals to Attend in 2013


There’s a lot to explore in Africa, and the continent has more to celebrate than ever before this year. From cultural festivals to religious gatherings, here are 10 exciting events happening on the African continent in 2013 that you won’t want to miss!

10 Vibrant African Festivals to Attend in 2013

This year, the continent of Africa has more to celebrate than ever before.

This year, the continent of Africa has more to celebrate than ever before. The African Union (AU) is celebrating its 50th anniversary and has kicked off a series of celebrations for this momentous occasion.

The AU is a union of 54 countries and over 1.1 billion people that covers all but one country on the continent–South Sudan became independent in 2011 but will join later this year as its own member state. It’s also home to some very unique traditions–like how every member country must have a national anthem written by an African composer! If you’re looking for something exciting to do this summer, why not attend one of these vibrant festivals?

The 55th Annual African Studies Association Conference will be held in Washington DC in October 2013.

The 55th Annual African Studies Association Conference will be held in Washington DC in October 2013. The conference aims to bring together Africanists from all over the world to discuss issues related to Africa and its people.

The conference will take place at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, located at 2660 Woodley Road NW, Washington DC 20008. You can register online or by mail/fax/phone at: http://www.asaconference2013.org/registration/. Applications for financial aid are also available online through our website’s registration process or by contacting us directly at [email protected] for more information about the application process for financial aid and scholarships!

The 20th International Congress of South African Trade Unions will be held in Johannesburg in July 2013.

The 20th International Congress of South African Trade Unions will be held in Johannesburg in July 2013. The event is a major convention of workers and unions, with more than 100,000 expected to attend.

About the Event: The congress will gather together delegates from all over South Africa and internationally to discuss issues facing working people today such as unemployment and inequality. There will also be workshops on topics like health care reform and climate change adaptation strategies for workers’ unions around the world.

How to Attend: If you’re interested in attending this year’s event, contact your local ANC branch office or check out their website at www[dot]anc[dot]org[dot]za

World Music Day is celebrated worldwide on June 21 each year.

World Music Day is celebrated worldwide on June 21 each year. It was first celebrated in 1982 and has been observed annually since then. The purpose of World Music Day is to celebrate the diversity of music, promote its role in uniting people, express culture, promote peace and cultural exchange.

Africa Day is observed on May 25 every year by African nations and diaspora.

Africa Day is observed on May 25 every year by African nations and diaspora. The aim of this day is to celebrate the culture and heritage of Africa, as well as its people.

In 1962, an organization called African Unity Committee set up a campaign for an international celebration of African culture. This led to the creation of a United Nations resolution in 1963 calling for all member states to observe May 25th as “Africa Freedom Day” or “Africa Liberation Day”. However, it wasn’t until 1970 when five nations–Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea and Mali–decided to commemorate this day with an annual event which would become known as Africa Day (and later Afrikadaa).

Africa Renaissance Festival is an event that combines art, music, film and design into one big celebration of African culture.

Africa Renaissance Festival is an event that combines art, music, film and design into one big celebration of African culture. The festival is held every January in Dakar, Senegal. It’s a three-day event featuring African artists and musicians from around the world who perform traditional songs as well as contemporary hits. There are also fashion shows showcasing traditional African clothing designs, which can be purchased at the end of each performance day if you want to take home something special from your trip!

The Annual Pan-African Film Festival showcases films made by Africans or about Africa throughout the world.

The Annual Pan-African Film Festival showcases films made by Africans or about Africa throughout the world. The festival takes place in Los Angeles, and it’s a celebration of African culture and diversity. Held in May, this event is one you don’t want to miss!

The World Meeting of Families takes place annually in Ireland.

The World Meeting of Families is a Catholic event held by Pope Francis as a means of uniting families worldwide through prayer and reflection on issues affecting families today. The meeting takes place annually in Ireland, with the 2019 edition taking place from 21 August to 26 August.

The meeting was first held in 1994 with Pope John Paul II presiding over it at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. It was then repeated under Benedict XVI in 2008 and 2012; this time around it will be hosted by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin who has been working hard to make sure that everything goes smoothly!

The Senegalese Palais Demba Diop hosts an annual festival called Le Cultural Sabar that features 

The Senegalese Palais Demba Diop hosts an annual festival called Le Cultural Sabar that features performances by dance troupes from all over West Africa who put their own distinctive stamp on traditional music and dancing styles from the region. The most notable acts include Les Guineens de la Capitale (Guinea’s Capital), Les Ballets Africains de Senegal and Les Ballets Baobab.

You can celebrate diversity and share culture with others

The experience of attending a festival is one that will leave you with memories you’ll never forget. You can celebrate diversity and share culture with others, enjoy the experience, learn something new and make new friends along the way.


If you’re looking for a way to celebrate diversity and share culture with others, these festivals are the perfect place to start. They offer something for everyone: music lovers can enjoy performances by some of Africa’s most talented musicians; art enthusiasts can explore the works of emerging African artists at local galleries; history buffs can learn more about their heritage at museums or monuments dedicated specifically to their country’s past. No matter what interests you hold dear, there will be something at one of these events that speaks directly to them!