12 Noteworthy Landmarks of Australia’s History

12 Noteworthy Landmarks of Australia’s History


The land down under is filled with landmarks that have become iconic in the world. From Sydney Opera House to Uluru and Fraser Island, there are countless things for travelers to see in Australia. Whether you’re looking for an adventurous road trip or a relaxing beach vacation, these landmarks will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.

12 Noteworthy Landmarks of Australia’s History

Sydney Opera House

If you’re in Sydney, then this is the landmark to see. It’s an iconic piece of architecture that was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon and completed in 1973. The roof is made up of shells which can be seen from many places around the city; it’s one of those things that has become so iconic that it’s hard to imagine Sydney without it!

If you’re looking for things to do around here, there are plenty: take a tour inside or just walk around admiring how cool it looks from outside (which is also pretty great). There are also some shops nearby where you can grab souvenirs or snacks for later if needed. If all else fails, there’s always nearby Bondi Beach where locals go swimming whenever they want some rest from walking around all day long!

Royal Botanic Gardens

The Royal Botanic Gardens are a great place to spend the day. Located in the heart of Sydney, these gardens are home to over 10,000 species of plants. The gardens have been open to the public since 1816 and have been used by scientists from all over the world for research purposes. The Royal Botanic Gardens were established by Governor Lachlan Macquarie as part of his vision for developing Sydney as a major port city and trading hub for goods coming into Australia at that time (1788).


Uluru is a monolith that stands 348 meters high and is located within the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. It is one of Australia’s most famous landmarks, and its Aboriginal name means “rock that stands alone.” The rock has been sacred to Aboriginal people for thousands of years, who call themselves Anangu–meaning “people” in their language. In fact, they believe it was created by the ancestral beings during their travels across the land; they used their powers to lift up this massive piece of sandstone from where they found it buried deep beneath ground level all over Australia thousands of years ago.

The history behind Uluru goes back even further than this however: geologists have dated some sections at over 500 million years old! That means these rocks have stood through many periods where life evolved on Earth–from single-celled organisms right up until humans came along some 200 thousand years ago (and hopefully beyond).

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef, and it’s located off the coast of Queensland. It’s one of Australia’s most popular attractions, and it was declared a natural wonder by UNESCO in 1981. The Great Barrier Reef is made up of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands–that’s enough to fill an area larger than Italy!

Aboriginal Art and Culture

One of Australia’s most unique and important cultural landmarks is Aboriginal art. The traditional style of painting and carving has been around for thousands of years, and it continues to thrive today as one of Australia’s most treasured traditions.

It has been said that Aboriginal art is like no other in the world because its artists use only natural materials found in their environment–no paints or brushes are used! Instead, they use things like earth pigments or charcoal sticks to create beautiful paintings on canvas or bark sheets called panelling boards (which look kind of like giant pieces of paper). These paintings depict stories from ancient times known as Dreamtime legends; these stories tell about how everything came into being during creation time before humans were born into this world.

The Great Ocean Road (Victoria)

The Great Ocean Road is a spectacular drive on the southern coast of Australia. It was built in 1919 to honor those who died in World War I, but it’s also an incredible tourist attraction for anyone who wants to see some of Australia’s most beautiful scenery.

The stretch of road winds through beaches, rainforests and other natural areas where you can hike or go kayaking. The Twelve Apostles are also located here–these are limestone stacks that rise up out of the water like giant pillars (and they’re actually not even all that tall). And if you look closely at them while you’re driving along this coast road, you might even see koalas hanging out up there!

The 12 Apostles (Victoria)

The 12 Apostles are limestone stacks off the coast of Victoria. They’re a popular tourist attraction and a great place for diving, but they’re also part of Port Campbell National Park. The 12 Apostles are located on the Great Ocean Road, which is itself one of Australia’s most famous scenic drives.

If you’ve ever seen photos or videos of these natural wonders, then you know just how impressive they look–and if not, then it might be worth checking out!

Kakadu National Park (Northern Territory)

Kakadu National Park is the largest national park in Australia and home to many species of animals, including crocodiles, wallabies and kangaroos. It’s also home to many Aboriginal people who can be found living on their traditional land in this area.

Kakadu is a World Heritage Site because it contains so much natural beauty that it has been deemed worthy of preservation by UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization).

Fraser Island (Queensland)

Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world, measuring just over 100 miles long and 12 miles wide. It is located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992.

The island is home to many endangered animals including dingoes (Australia’s native dog), koalas and sea turtles. There are no roads on Fraser Island; instead you’ll have to travel using 4WD vehicles or by foot if you wish to explore this beautiful place yourself!

  • “Fraser Island: A Guide for Backpackers.” Backpacker Magazine Australia, n.d., www.backpackermagazineaustralia.com/travel_guides/fraser_island/.

Gold Coast (Queensland)

The Gold Coast is a city in the Australian state of Queensland. It is located on the Pacific Ocean, and it is known for its beaches. The Gold Coast is one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations, with around six million visitors each year.

The city was founded as an urbanization project during World War II by American soldiers stationed there during World War II. After the war ended, more people began moving to this area because they liked what they saw: beautiful beaches and warm weather year-round!

Great Dividing Range (intra-state)

The Great Dividing Range is a mountain range that stretches from Queensland to Victoria. It’s the most extensive mountain range in Australia and runs parallel to the coast, forming a barrier between east and west. The highest peak of this massive range is Mount Kosciuszko at 2228 meters above sea level.

The Great Dividing Range was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2000 as part of Australia’s Outback Monuments: Mungo National Park (Australia), Willandra Lakes Region (Australia) & World Heritage Area – Lake Eyre Basin Wetlands – Simpson Desert Conservation Parks

There are many wonderful things to see in Australia.

There are many wonderful things to see in Australia. The Sydney Opera House is a must-see, as is the Royal Botanic Gardens, Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef.


Australia is a land of many wonders. From iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Uluru (formerly known as Ayers Rock), to natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef and Kakadu National Park, there are countless places to visit and explore.