7 Things To Know Before Moving To Nairobi

7 Things To Know Before Moving To Nairobi


Nairobi is a city like no other. It’s large and busy, but also full of life, adventure and opportunity. It’s never boring, but it can be overwhelming at times: Nairobi is growing so fast that sometimes things just don’t work as well as they should! But with careful planning and an open mind, you can enjoy everything that this amazing city has to offer—and even more importantly for us digital nomads: make money from home while living here!

7 Things To Know Before Moving To Nairobi

It’s hot.

The average temperature in Nairobi is 25C. It’s hot, but not as hot as the rest of Africa. Nairobi sits at an altitude of 1500m above sea level and has a tropical savanna climate, which means there are two distinct seasons: dry and wet. The dry season lasts from December to March (or April), while the wet season lasts from June to October (or November).

The best way to describe what it feels like when it rains here is like being hit by a wave on top of your head–but without getting soaked! Seriously though, don’t underestimate how powerful these rains can be! They come out of nowhere and can leave you drenched within seconds if you’re not careful enough with umbrellas or raincoats/jackets etc..

The traffic sucks.

The traffic in Nairobi can be an absolute nightmare. The roads are often clogged with cars and buses, and if you’re unlucky enough to get stuck at a red light that isn’t working, you may find yourself sitting there for hours.

Traffic lights are often not working at all (or they work intermittently), making it difficult for drivers to know when they need to stop or go. There is no concept of right-of-way here either–you must learn how to navigate through the chaos if you want any chance of keeping your sanity while driving around in Kenya’s capital city.

It’s a multicultural city.

Nairobi is a melting pot of cultures. It’s the most ethnically diverse city in Africa, with over 40 different languages spoken among its residents. The result is that you can find almost any kind of food, music or art you’re looking for here–and it will likely be from somewhere else.

The food is amazing.

The food is amazing. Nairobi has a lot of great restaurants and cafes, and you can find almost any kind of food you like–from street food to fine dining. The city has a thriving culinary scene, with many talented chefs coming up with innovative ways to use local ingredients (and sometimes introducing new ones).

There are also some great restaurants in the suburbs if you want to get away from downtown traffic for an afternoon or evening. These include:

  • Kiambu Coffee House & Bar – This charming place serves coffee drinks as well as meals made from locally sourced produce including vegetables grown on site by their farmer partners! They also have wifi so it’s perfect for working away from home without being distracted by other people around you!
  • Shindigz Restaurant – With live music every weekend night this restaurant offers something different than just having dinner alone at home where there isn’t any entertainment happening nearby your table while eating out together as one big happy family unit…

There’s no such thing as finding a place to rent that’s “in town”.

  • There’s no such thing as finding a place to rent that’s “in town”.

Nairobi is not like other cities where you can walk to the center of town. You will have to take a taxi or bus, which can be expensive depending on how far away your apartment is from Nairobi’s CBD (Central Business District). The city is sprawling, so it may be difficult for you to find an apartment within walking distance of where you work or study.

There are some areas to avoid at night.

There are some areas to avoid at night.

  • The slums
  • The shantytowns
  • Downtown Nairobi, which includes the city center and its surrounding areas like Langata, Karen and Westlands.

You should also avoid visiting these places during the day if you can help it because they can be dangerous places for tourists.

Try out different neighborhoods until you find one that suits you!

Nairobi is a big city, and there are many different neighborhoods to choose from. You can find everything from quiet suburbs to busy downtown areas, so it’s up to you what kind of vibe you want your new home to have. If you’re moving here for work and need to be close by your office every day or two days out of the week, then living in a more expensive neighborhood will probably benefit your commute time and stress levels (in addition to making life easier on yourself). However, if it’s important that your commute not take too long–or if waking up early isn’t something that appeals–then consider looking at cheaper places further away from wherever it is that makes sense for work purposes; these areas may offer more affordable rents while still being close enough so as not feel isolated or cut off from civilization!

Nairobi has grown up so much over the last decade, and it’s now a great place to live for expats and digital nomads in Africa, but there are still some things you need to know about before moving there

Nairobi has grown up so much over the last decade, and it’s now a great place to live for expats and digital nomads in Africa. But there are still some things you need to know about before moving there.

For example:

  • The city has changed so much since I first visited in 2007. It’s not just new buildings popping up all over the place anymore; there are also tons of new restaurants, bars, cafes and shops opening up all the time too!
  • You can find almost anything you need here – including good quality healthcare services (though they may be more expensive than back home). Just make sure you get insurance before coming here because public hospitals are not always reliable enough when it comes to emergencies or serious injuries/illnesses that require surgery etc..


Nairobi is a great place to live and work, but it’s important that you know what to expect before moving there. The city has grown up so much over the last decade, and it’s now much safer than before. There are still some areas that need improvement though–like traffic! So if you can afford it (and have some flexibility), try out different neighborhoods until one suits your needs best.