Australian Visa Application for arts professionals

Australian Visa Application for arts professionals


Australia has a diverse arts ecosystem and needs to fill its demands for art, design, music and other creative industries. If you are an arts professional looking for a visa in Australia, then you can find work through any of its various visas depending on your individual circumstances. The first step is to determine which visa would be best suited to your situation and then apply for it before the relevant deadline expires. To help our readers better understand this process we have created this guide with all the information needed when applying for an Australian Visa:

Australian Visa Application for arts professionals

Australia has a diverse arts ecosystem and needs to fill its demands for art, design, music and other creative industries.

Australia is a multicultural country, and it has a diverse arts ecosystem. Australia needs to fill its demands for art, design, music and other creative industries. Australia is also a big market for arts professionals who can help develop the Australian economy with their skills. There are many opportunities available for those who want to work in Australia as an artist or designer, musician or actor etc., so if you’re looking at moving there then make sure you apply early!

Research if there is an available visa that fits your situation.

If you’re an artist, entertainer or musician and are looking for a visa that will allow you to work in Australia, it’s important to know that there are several options available.

The most common types of visas available for artists include:

  • The Artist Visa (subclass 862) is designed specifically for performers who want to come into Australia temporarily as part of their performing arts activity. This visa allows artists from overseas who have been invited by an eligible organization or individual in Australia (such as a production company) to perform at specific events held in Australia. Artists can also apply through this program if they have been offered employment as an artist by an organization outside Australia but within New Zealand or Papua New Guinea; however, this option requires that they first obtain approval from the Department of Immigration before entering either nation and does not guarantee entry into either country.

Check if you meet the eligibility criteria under each visa type.

To be eligible for a visa, you must meet the requirements of each visa type. These include:

  • having the right qualifications and experience (the exact requirements depend on your occupation)
  • being able to show that you have enough money to support yourself while in Australia

Apply for an appropriate visa and submit the relevant paperwork with supporting documents on time.

  • Check visa requirements.
  • Submit your application on time.
  • Submit all required documents with your application.
  • Check that your application is complete and that the supporting documents are not expired or out of date (if they are, you will have to submit new ones).

If you need help with any aspect of the application, contact our immigration experts at [INSERT YOUR CONTACT HERE]. Takeaway: Arts professionals can find work in Australia through any of its various visas, depending on their individual circumstances

If you need help with any aspect of the application, contact our immigration experts at [INSERT YOUR CONTACT HERE]. We can help you find the right visa for your situation and prepare the right documents and paperwork. We can assist with preparing for the interview as well.


If you’re an arts professional looking to work in Australia, there are several different visa options available. Each one has its own eligibility criteria and requirements, so it’s important that you do some research before applying for any of them. For example, if you want to apply for an Arts Ministerial Exemption or a Temporary Work (Short-Term) visa then your skills must be listed on the Australian Skills List (ASL). However if you already have an offer from an Australian employer who has been approved as sponsor by Immigration then all he/she needs is proof of employment and salary payments which means less paperwork involved!