How To Live In Australia – A Comprehensive Guide

How To Live In Australia – A Comprehensive Guide


If you’re thinking of moving to Australia, you’re in luck! It’s a beautiful country with plenty to discover. The only problem is that many people move here without knowing what they need to know. So, we have compiled all the information you need to make sure your move goes smoothly.

How To Live In Australia – A Comprehensive Guide

How to get a visa

If you are planning to live in Australia, then there are a few things that need to be done before you can start your new life. The first thing is getting a visa.

There are many types of visas available for people who want to move permanently or temporarily into Australia. Depending on your purpose of travel and how long you plan on staying, there is a suitable option for everyone.

The following table summarizes the requirements for each type of visa:

How to buy your first home

The first thing you should do is find a mortgage broker. A mortgage broker will help you get pre-approved for a loan, which means that they’ll look at your finances and figure out how much money you can borrow. This is important because banks will only lend money to people who have been pre-approved for loans by one of their own employees or by an independent broker (i.e., not the bank itself).

Once that’s done, it’s time for house hunting! The most important difference between properties and houses is size: properties have more rooms than houses do (and therefore cost more). Apartments are smaller than units but larger than townhouses; townhouses tend to be more expensive than both apartments and units because they’re bigger than them without being quite as big as houses themselves–and they also usually come with extra amenities like pools or gyms nearby so that residents don’t have far away places where they’d need transportation just to work out!

Healthcare and insurance

Healthcare in Australia is free for all citizens and permanent residents. This means that you don’t have to worry about paying for your health care bills, but it also means that there are no private hospitals or clinics (except for some very rare cases). The public health system covers everything from birth to death, including routine checkups and emergency services.

As a visitor who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, however, you may need some form of insurance if you want to be covered while living here on a temporary basis. It’s important that everyone who comes into Australia has adequate coverage–even if they’re only staying temporarily–because medical treatment costs can be very high without proper insurance coverage!

Taxes in Australia

The Australian income tax rate is the same for all taxpayers, regardless of their age or income level. It’s a flat rate of 19{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} on your taxable income. This means that if you earn $50,000 per year and spend $30,000 on expenses (including mortgage payments), then half of your remaining money goes toward paying taxes. If this sounds like a lot–and it probably does–you can reduce your tax burden by taking advantage of deductions and credits available to Australians who live abroad for extended periods of time.

The capital gains tax (CGT) rate depends on how long you own an asset before selling it: if an item has been held for less than 12 months before being sold for profit, CGT must be paid at the normal marginal tax rate; however if an item has been held between one year and less than five years prior to sale, then CGT will come out at half-a-percentage point lower than usual; if two years have elapsed since purchase date then another quarter percentage point goes down off base rate until finally reaching zero percent after five years’ ownership period without ever having sold anything during those five years!

Every person over 18 years old must submit an annual tax return whether they earned any money during that period or not…however there’s no penalty for failing do so unless HMRC notices something suspicious about where all those deductions came from!

Taxes for expats living in Australia

Taxes are a fact of life, whether you’re an expat or not. However, if you’re living in Australia and earning income from abroad (for example, if your employer is located outside of Australia), there are some additional things to consider when filing your taxes.

In this section we’ll cover:

  • Australian tax rates
  • How to file your taxes online with the ATO (Australian Taxation Office)

You should also know that since 1 July 2017 there has been no need for an ABN for businesses operating online only and earning less than $75K per year.

What you need to know about Australian taxes.

  • Australian income tax: You’ll need to pay Australian income tax as an expat, just like you would if you lived in Australia full-time. The main difference is that your earnings are likely going to be lower than they would be if you worked locally (since cost of living is higher), so it may be possible for you to get away with paying less than what other people in your position do.
  • Superannuation: In addition to paying taxes on your salary or self-employed work income, if applicable, all employees in Australia must contribute 9{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of their wages into a superannuation fund (similarly known as an “employer contribution”). This money can then be used toward retirement savings and other purposes once they reach 65 years old or become permanently disabled – but remember: It’s not available until then! So make sure not spend it too freely before then!
  • Residency requirements: To claim residency status here means having lived continuously in Australia for at least six months out of every 12 consecutive months; however this isn’t always easy since many businesses require visas which limit how long someone can stay abroad before returning home again…or facing deportation charges!

Social security benefits, tax and superannuation.

  • You need a tax file number (TFN) if you’re going to work in Australia. It’s also useful for claiming deductions for your business expenses and interest payments on your car loan. If you are self-employed, then it’s important that you have one because this will allow the ATO to send out information about what tax deductions they think are appropriate for each year of operation.

To get one, go onto the Australian Tax Office website and fill out the form provided there. They’ll send back an approval letter within two weeks or so; don’t worry if it takes longer than that – just keep checking their site until it arrives! Once approved with a valid TFN number attached to it, use this code whenever filling out forms relating specifically towards taxation purposes such as those relating specifically towards taxation purposes such as those relating specifically towards taxation purposes such as those relating specifically towards taxation purposes such as those relating specifically towards taxation purposes such as those relating specifically towards taxation purposes such

Your rights as a resident in Australia

You have rights as a resident in Australia. This is great news because it means you can feel safe and secure, knowing that you have access to the help and support you need.

The Australian Government has made it easy for people like us to find out about our rights by publishing a comprehensive list on their website. You can also call them if something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any point during your stay here.


Australia is a great place to live and work, but it can be confusing at times. We hope this article has given you some insight into how the Australian tax system works and what you need to do before moving here permanently or temporarily as an expat.