How To Live The European Lifestyle Without Moving To Europe

How To Live The European Lifestyle Without Moving To Europe


When I was younger, my dream was to travel around Europe. I imagined myself hopping from city to city, exploring new cultures and taking in the unique sights and sounds of each place. But as I got older and had less time off work, it became harder to make that dream happen. Then one day while combing through AirBnBs for vacation rentals, it hit me: Why don’t I just live like an European?

How To Live The European Lifestyle Without Moving To Europe

Find a great travel partner.

If you’re going to be spending a lot of time traveling, it’s important to find someone who can share the experience with you. It can be a lot of fun and help keep costs down if someone else is paying for at least some of your accommodations. They’ll also give you someone to chat with about all the great things that happened during your trip, or even just complain about how much their feet hurt from walking all day.

If one person gets sick or injured while abroad, having another person around makes things easier for both parties involved: if one gets sick then they won’t have to worry about being alone; if something happens then there will always be someone else around in case there needs immediate medical care (or just as support).

Take the time to travel slowly.

There is so much to see and do in Europe, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of new places. But if you want to live the European lifestyle without moving there, then travel slowly!

Instead of rushing from one place to another, take your time exploring each city or town you visit. Get acquainted with its history and culture by learning about local traditions and customs–and don’t forget that food plays an important role here too! Take breaks during meals so you can savor everything on your plate (or glass). And make sure that when meeting new people at restaurants or bars, they feel welcome enough for them to share their stories with you as well–it’s always great hearing about other cultures through firsthand accounts!

Visit a different city per day, or even just one district.

One of the best ways to experience Europe is to visit a different city per day, or even just one district. Don’t spend too much time in any one place, but make sure that you see everything that interests you before moving on. This will give you a unique perspective on how different cities compare from each other and how they are similar across borders, cultures and languages.

Get lost in the chaos of cities and towns that aren’t on your itinerary.

If you’re traveling through Europe, there’s a good chance that some of your destinations will be planned out in advance. This is great! The most important thing to remember when planning any trip is that there are always unexpected things that can happen along the way.

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar city or town with time on your hands, don’t worry about getting back on track right away. Instead, take advantage of being lost by exploring the area around where you are staying–it could lead to some really interesting discoveries! If nothing else, it’ll give you a better sense of what life is like for those living in Europe today (and possibly help spark some ideas for future trips).

Stay in AirBnBs instead of hotels.

AirBnBs are an excellent alternative to hotels. They’re cheaper, they have more character and they’re better for families. If you want to live like a local, AirBnBs are ideal because they give you the opportunity to experience what it’s like living in another country or city without actually moving there permanently.

Try to find a place that has good food and drink options within walking distance of your accommodations.

The next thing to keep in mind is food and drink. The best way to experience European culture is by trying their local food, so try to find a place that has good food and drink options within walking distance of your accommodations.

If you’re looking for something more casual, try something like a biergarten or an Irish pub where everyone knows each other’s names (or at least greets each other). Or if you want something more upscale but still casual, look into Michelin star restaurants like AOC in New York City or Eleven Madison Park in Manhattan; both are known for serving modern French cuisine with seasonal ingredients sourced locally from nearby farms or fisheries.

Accept that you will have to eat at chain restaurants sometimes, but avoid them as much as possible if you can help it.

It’s a fact: you will have to eat at chain restaurants sometimes. You can’t avoid it, and that’s okay! But if you can help it, try to avoid them as much as possible.

Some of the best food in Europe is found in local restaurants that aren’t on any tourist itinerary (and may not even be open for dinner). These places are often discovered by locals and travelers who know what they’re doing; they’re not listed in guidebooks or marked on maps–you just have to ask around until someone tells you where they are located.

Eat like an Italian and try new things.

  • Eat like an Italian and try new things.
  • Ask for recommendations.
  • Eat what the locals eat, not what tourists eat.

You can learn all about living in Europe without ever leaving the country, thanks to AirBnBs

AirBnBs are a great way to save money and get a European experience without ever leaving your hometown. If you’re traveling alone, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things there are to do and see in foreign cities. The best way to make sure you don’t miss out on any must-see attractions is by staying with locals who can give you insider tips on where they like going when they visit their own city.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your travel experiences while still sticking within budget constraints, AirBnBs offer an excellent solution: not only do these rentals provide cheaper alternatives than hotels or hostels (usually around $50 per night), but they also give travelers access to unique cultural experiences that would otherwise be inaccessible through more traditional means such as guided tours or group activities offered by local tourism agencies.”


So there you have it: the European lifestyle, without leaving America. It’s not about being pretentious or trying too hard; it’s about being open to new experiences and making the most of your time in this world. You don’t need to move to Europe or spend all day reading guidebooks on how to be more “European.” All you need is a little bit of curiosity, an adventurous spirit and willingness to try something new whenever possible!