How To Make Full Time Travel A Reality

How To Make Full Time Travel A Reality


Traveling full time is a dream many have, but few have made it happen. Here are some tips to help you plan and prepare so that your dream can become reality!

How To Make Full Time Travel A Reality

Make sure you can afford it.

The first thing to do is make sure you have enough money saved to make it through at least three months.

If you don’t have enough savings, don’t do it! It’s better to wait until your situation changes than go into debt for a dream.

How much money you spend on travel depends on where you go and how long you stay there, but in general expect to spend between $1K-$2K per month depending on what kind of accommodations (airbnb vs hostel) and food options (eating out vs cooking at home).

Choose your destination wisely.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a place to travel. I’ve spent a lot of time on the road and have learned that it’s important to pick somewhere safe, affordable, and with good weather. You should also look for off-the-beaten path destinations that aren’t too far from civilization but still offer enough adventure for you not to get bored easily.

Another important factor is wifi/mobile phone service coverage – if you want to stay connected while traveling then this is crucial! Public transportation is also very important in order for your trip not only be budget friendly but also convenient as well (you don’t want to spend hours each day walking around). Finally food quality plays an important role because eating out everyday will get expensive quickly…and who wants food poisoning?

Get the right gear and maximize your resources.

As a traveler, you need to be prepared for anything. Your gear is one of the most important parts of your travel kit and it can make or break your trip. If you don’t have the right stuff with you, then how are you going to function? You don’t want to find out at 2am when it starts raining outside while sleeping in an open field!

You’ll want to start by getting a good backpack. A big part of this will depend on how long of trips you plan on taking and how much weight capacity they can handle (backpacks can range anywhere from 15L-80L). The best bet is usually somewhere between 40-60L so that it’s big enough but not too bulky or heavy when full. The other thing about getting a good backpack is making sure it fits correctly–you don’t want something that rubs against any part of your body uncomfortably because this can lead to blisters forming after just one day!

Once we’ve covered backpacks let’s move onto tents: these come in many shapes and sizes depending on what kind of camper/hiker style person are going after here! There are lightweight options such as single person tents which weigh less than 3lbs but still offer plenty room inside them; there are also larger family sized ones like 4 man tents which offer space comfortable enough even though they’re heavier than smaller models due

to having more fabric used throughout construction process (and thus requiring more materials). What matters most though isn’t necessarily size per se but whether or not these shelters meet certain criteria such as being waterproofed against rainstorms; having adequate ventilation so hot air doesn’t build up inside during summer months; having built-in storage pockets where items like flashlights/lanterns could be kept safe without worrying about losing them somewhere along journey (this happens more often than we’d like admit).

Get in shape before you leave.

If you’re going to be on the road for an extended period of time, it’s important to get in shape before you leave. You’ll need all the energy and stamina that physical fitness can offer. So don’t wait until after your trip–do it now!

Getting into shape is not just about looking good in a bathing suit; it’s also about feeling great and having more energy throughout the day. Physical exercise will help reduce stress levels which are often higher when traveling than at home, plus it gives us an opportunity for social interaction with other people who share our interests. For example: many runners travel together so they can run marathons together all over the world (and sometimes even compete against each other). And if running isn’t really your thing? There are plenty of other ways to stay active while traveling such as hiking or biking around town with friends or even taking dance lessons at night clubs like [name].

Plan ahead.

Planning ahead is the best way to make sure your trip is a success. Planning your trip will help you make the most of your time and save money, avoid problems or issues in advance, and have a better experience overall.

Planning ahead doesn’t mean that much if you don’t do it properly though; here are some tips on how to get started:

Carry only what you need, in the smallest amount possible.

To travel full time, you need to be as prepared as possible. You’ll want to keep things light and minimal. This means not overpacking and only carrying what you need in the smallest amount possible.

Before you leave on your journey, make sure that every item has its place in your bag–and that there are no extra items taking up space or weighing down on your shoulders when they don’t need to be there.

When it comes time for packing, remember: less is more! If you’re only going away for a few days at most, try not to bring more than one pair of shoes (if at all). Don’t pack any clothes that aren’t essential; if needed later on during the trip but not now then wait until then before buying them again instead of wasting precious space with things like towels or blankets which may get used once or twice before being put back into storage later down the line anyway because everything else was already packed into place beforehand..

Meet other travelers, but don’t let them be the reason you travel.

Meet other travelers, but don’t let them be the reason you travel.

Traveling is a great way to meet people and make friends, but don’t go out of your way to do so. Don’t plan on staying in your room all day because you want to avoid interacting with others. And definitely don’t let other people plan your trip for you!

You can travel full time!

You can travel full time!

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just starting out, it’s not uncommon to feel like traveling is something only other people do. But the truth is that there are thousands of people who have quit their jobs and taken off around the world for months at a time–and many more who do so on shorter trips. So why not give it a shot? It may be harder than you think, but if you’re motivated enough and willing to put in some effort (and maybe even sacrifice), then yes: You can travel full time.


We hope that this article has inspired you to make the leap into full-time travel. It’s not as hard as it might seem, and the rewards are well worth it! If you’re still unsure about how to get started, check out our other articles on How To Travel Full Time or 10 Tips For First Time Travelers. Good luck on your journey!