How to Save More As An Expat While Living Abroad

How to Save More As An Expat While Living Abroad


If you’re an expat, chances are you’re looking for ways to save money. You may be struggling with the cost of living in your new country, or perhaps you just want to put some extra cash aside for an upcoming holiday or special event. Either way, there are lots of ways that expats can cut back on their spending without compromising their quality of life too much.

How to Save More As An Expat While Living Abroad

Set a budget before you go.

Before you go, set a budget. The internet can be your friend here–just use it to research local prices and costs of living in the country you’re traveling to. Consider flights and visas, accommodation expenses (including utilities), food and drink bills.

Understand that traveling is expensive.

While traveling is an amazing experience and one that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime, it’s important to understand that it’s also expensive. You are going to have to pay for flights and hotels, food, souvenir shopping and more.

The cost of travel can add up quickly if you aren’t careful–especially if you’re planning on visiting multiple countries or staying abroad longer than a few weeks or months (or even years!).

Don’t use credit cards when you’re overseas.

One of the best ways to save money is by not using credit cards when you’re overseas. Credit cards can be expensive and difficult to use overseas, especially if you don’t have a local bank account.

Instead, use a debit card instead of your regular one so that any transactions are immediately deducted from your account in real-time and not charged as interest later on.

You should also consider withdrawing cash from ATMs rather than paying for goods or services with plastic–this is cheaper than using a credit card! However, do keep in mind that many countries don’t accept international credit cards at all (such as Japan) so it’s best to know beforehand what types of payment methods are accepted where you’re going before leaving home

Don’t carry cash around.

  • Don’t carry cash around.
  • Use credit cards and debit cards instead of cash, or use a prepaid card if you don’t want to deal with debt or interest charges. These are great for online shopping as well as for in-person purchases (though not at every location).
  • Get yourself a travel money belt that can hold your passport and other valuables, along with an RFID blocking pouch inside it so no one can scan your data without you knowing!

Try not to live like a local.

The biggest mistake expats make is trying to live like a local. While this may seem like the most natural thing in the world, it’s actually very difficult for many people–especially if you’re used to having all your creature comforts at home, like high-speed internet and all-you-can-eat buffets.

If you want to save money as an expat, then try not living like one! That means avoiding local food and drink as much as possible (unless it’s something special), using public transportation instead of taxis or Uber/taxi services. And don’t forget that renting an apartment or house will save even more money than renting a room from someone else who lives near where you work or study abroad.

Consider renting an apartment instead of staying in a hotel.

Have you ever considered renting an apartment instead of staying in a hotel? If not, it’s worth considering.

Renting an apartment can be cheaper than staying in a hotel and you’ll have more space and privacy. You can cook your own meals, saving money on food as well as reducing waste (it’s estimated that Americans throw away about 25{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of their food).

In addition to saving money by cooking at home, renting an apartment also allows you to prepare healthy meals without having to compromise on taste or presentation. For example, if you’re concerned about eating healthy while traveling but don’t want to give up the convenience of takeout options like sushi or Italian food delivery services then consider cooking them yourself!

Another benefit: by living somewhere with its own kitchenette or full kitchen (and maybe even washing machine!) while abroad means no more expensive taxi rides back from restaurants late at night; instead just walk home after dinner with friends!

Use public transportation whenever possible.

You may be surprised to know that public transportation is often cheaper than taxis. You can save money by riding buses and trains instead of taking cabs, especially if you have a long commute. Public transportation is also more environmentally friendly, which will help you feel good about yourself while saving money!

Public transportation is more convenient than taking a car everywhere because it’s easier to plan your day around stops at different locations without worrying about parking or traffic jams on the road. And finally, public transportation is safer than driving yourself around in an unfamiliar country (especially if there are no seatbelts).

Take advantage of pre-paid food plans/stores to eat healthily and save money at the same time.

Pre-paid food plans are available in many countries, and they are an excellent way to eat healthily while saving money. By buying a pre-paid food plan, you can purchase meals at the local store instead of eating out every day or buying more expensive ingredients from supermarkets which can add up quickly. Pre-paid food plans tend to have higher quality ingredients than those purchased from supermarkets as well – for example, if you’re getting ready for a hike and need some snacks that will last all day long without spoiling (or melting!), it may be worth considering purchasing one of these packages instead of heading over to 7/11 for chips and cookies! For example:

  • If you live in South America…

Buying groceries can be difficult because everything costs so much more than what we’re used too back home; however there are several ways around this problem! One option is using pre-paid meal plans at local markets such as Mercado Municipal del Surco in Lima Peru where everything is freshly prepared daily by skilled chefs who know exactly what goes into each dish – no preservatives required!

You can save money as an expat if you plan ahead, stick to your budget and make sure you’re saving on the right things

  • You can save money as an expat if you plan ahead.
  • You can save money as an expat if you stick to your budget.
  • And, finally, it’s important to make sure that the things that are saving you money are actually worth saving for!


So there you have it! We hope that these tips will help you save money as an expat. Remember: the key is planning ahead, sticking to your budget and making sure that you’re saving on the right things. If all else fails, just remember that there’s nothing wrong with splurging every once in a while–just make sure it doesn’t happen too often!