Make The Most Of Your Landmark Visits

Make The Most Of Your Landmark Visits


I’m a huge fan of traveling and sightseeing, but I’m also well aware that most people don’t want to feel like they’re just another tourist at the landmark they’re visiting. That’s why it’s important to plan your trip around a landmark, research the place ahead of time, and manage your expectations once you get there. In this post, we’ll cover all those things so you can make sure that when you visit your favorite destinations—whether it be an art museum or national park—you’ll have time for some exploring during off-peak hours and not feel rushed by crowds or traffic jams on weekends and weekdays!

Make The Most Of Your Landmark Visits

Prioritize the most important landmarks.

Prioritize the most important landmarks.

If you’re visiting multiple cities, prioritize the ones with landmarks that are of interest to you. For example, if one of your favorite museums is in Paris but not London or Madrid, then focus on seeing that museum first. If you only have time for one city (and it happens to be London), then make sure that Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey are high on your list so that they don’t get missed!

Plan your trip around a landmark.

Plan your trip around a landmark.

If you’re planning to visit New York City, for example, consider visiting the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island first. These landmarks are easily accessible and open most days of the year (including holidays). They’re also close enough to many hotels in Manhattan that they can be easily reached on foot or via public transportation.

Research the landmarks you want to visit ahead of time.

The first step to making the most of your landmark visits is doing some research. Researching the landmarks you want to visit ahead of time will help you plan out what you want to do at each location, how long it will take, and if there are any added costs or restrictions that need to be considered before visiting. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Look up the history of the landmark (and its surroundings). Is there one particular story that stands out from others? If so, read it! This can give context for why something was built or even why it looks like it does today.
  • Look up reviews for this particular landmark online; there might be useful tips about things like hours of operation or other hidden gems worth checking out while there.
  • Check out tips for visiting this destination specifically–many sites offer suggestions based on their own experiences which may not apply universally but could still prove useful nonetheless! Also look into whether there are any special events happening during your trip; these could include free admission days as well as activities such as guided tours offered by volunteers who know their way around better than anyone else would ever dream possible (because really–what else do they have left?).

Manage your expectations for each location.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re planning your landmark visits. First, don’t expect a landmark to be as big as you imagine. You may have seen photos of the Taj Mahal or Mount Rushmore and assumed they were giant structures that could be seen from miles away, but they’re actually quite small in real life–they just look bigger because of their surroundings (and because they’re so far away).

Second, don’t expect it to be as crowded as you imagine. If there’s one thing we know about tourists, it’s that they love taking pictures of themselves at famous locations–but if there are too many people around your chosen landmark site (or even worse: if there’s no room), then getting your own photo might prove difficult! This can be frustrating for travelers who were looking forward to snapping some shots during their trip…so make sure that wherever you go has plenty of space available before going there yourself!

Thirdly., don’t expect any landmark visit will cost as much money than expected either! Many landmarks charge admission fees which range anywhere between $5-$50 depending on how popular those places tend being visited by tourists each year – so make sure those costs are included into whatever budgeting plan works best for each person interested enough about visiting these sites during this time period.”

Make sure you get there early if you’re visiting during peak season or busy hours on weekends and weekdays.

If you’re visiting during peak season or busy hours on weekends and weekdays, it’s best to get there early. This will give you time to explore without feeling rushed, and it will help avoid crowds (which can make for a less enjoyable experience).

If the weather is nice when you arrive at your landmark destination, getting there early also gives you more time to enjoy the natural beauty of what makes each place unique before everyone else arrives and fills up all of their Instagrammable spots with selfies. If it looks like rain might come down while they’re there, they’ll have plenty of time to take cover before any damage happens–and if they don’t mind getting wet in order to get great photos? That’s perfect!

Finally: If windy conditions are expected in an area where tourists tend not only visit but also camp out overnight due to lack of other options nearby–like say Death Valley National Park during springtime–then arriving early could mean avoiding having sand blown into everything from tents’ zippers being open too long during setup process until even after bedtime when trying sleep under them (which may happen if someone forgets about this fact).

There’s no reason to feel like a tourist at your favorite landmarks if you plan ahead, go during off-season hours, and avoid peak times.

There’s no reason to feel like a tourist at your favorite landmarks if you plan ahead, go during off-season hours, and avoid peak times. Here are some tips for making the most of your landmark visits:

  • Plan Ahead – If you have time in advance of your trip, check out any websites that let visitors know about upcoming closures or construction projects. This way, when someone tells you that something isn’t open today because they’re doing maintenance work on it (or even just painting), you can reply “Oh yeah? Well I already knew that!” before walking away with your head held high and feeling totally smug about having done research before arriving at said location.
  • Go During Off-Season Hours – Some places are only open during certain hours throughout the year–so try visiting them outside those times if possible! For example: many museums are closed on Mondays; visiting them then will save both money (since admission fees won’t apply) and hassle (since fewer people means less waiting in line). Also consider visiting historical sites outside normal business hours; sometimes there will be special events going on which would otherwise require admission fees but won’t cost anything after sundown! This works especially well for haunted houses/haunted mazes type attractions where crowds tend to thin out significantly after dark…but don’t worry too much about safety issues here since these attractions usually employ multiple security guards who patrol throughout each attraction area 24/7 365 days per year regardless whether anyone else happens along during regular business hours versus just one guard patrolling intermittently throughout various areas throughout different seasons/timeslots depending upon weather conditions etcetera etcetera…


Now that you know how to make the most of your landmark visits, it’s time to go out there and explore!