Schizophrenia: A Masterpiece Of European Art

Schizophrenia: A Masterpiece Of European Art


Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that causes a person to have trouble thinking clearly, responding emotionally and communicating with others. It’s also one of the most common forms of psychosis, which means that it can lead to paranoia and hallucinations. People who have schizophrenia may hear voices or see things that aren’t real (hallucinations). They may also believe in something that isn’t true (delusions) or feel like they are being controlled by outside forces (thought disorder). Schizophrenia affects how you interact with other people and influences your thoughts, feelings and behavior. That is a beautiful art.

Schizophrenia: A Masterpiece Of European Art

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe and disabling brain disorder. People with schizophrenia may hear voices or see things that aren’t there. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. Symptoms of schizophrenia include:

  • Hallucinations – hearing voices, seeing things that aren’t there;
  • Delusions – beliefs that are not based in reality;

People with schizophrenia often experience intense emotions – anger, fear or paranoia – which can be very disturbing to them and those around them. Schizophrenia affects 1{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc}-2{a6d4e250f4dbd7c38290d51a301669b0b15c2bd58d8474132f85a8137f152abc} of the population worldwide; it occurs equally in men and women across all ethnic groups

The Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can cause people to hear voices, see things that aren’t there and believe they have special powers. The exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown but it’s known to be linked with a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

The symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into positive symptoms (i.e., abnormal behaviors), negative symptoms (i.e., loss or decrease in normal behaviors), cognitive symptoms (i.e., problems with attention span, memory, abstract thinking) and disorganized speech or behavior (which may include agitation).

Positive Symptoms: These are psychotic behaviors not seen in healthy individuals including delusions; hallucinations; disorganized thought processes; incoherent speech patterns; catatonic behavior patterns such as mutism (not speaking) or waxy flexibility (being able to move into any position without resistance).

Causes of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes disorganized thoughts and behavior. Schizophrenia can be categorized as either acute or chronic. The acute form of schizophrenia occurs suddenly, while the chronic form develops slowly over time and lasts longer (usually more than 6 months).

An individual with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imagined. They may also have problems communicating with others, expressing emotion appropriately, thinking clearly and concentrating on tasks at hand.

How To Help Someone With Schizophrenia

If you know someone with schizophrenia, the best thing you can do is help them get professional treatment. If your friend or family member refuses to seek treatment, then it may be time for you to step up and take action.

It’s important that everyone understand what schizophrenia is and how it affects the lives of those who have it. It’s also important that we understand where schizophrenia comes from: how it develops in our brains and what causes these strange symptoms. Finally, we need to learn about all of our options when it comes to treating this disease–and how best we can help those suffering from this condition by using these treatments effectively!

Treatment Options for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disease that can be treated with medication, psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. Self-care is also important for people living with schizophrenia. Support groups are another option for people living with schizophrenia to get help and support from other individuals who are dealing with similar issues.

Who Gets Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia affects men and women equally. It can occur at any age, although it is more common in people who are younger than 30 years old. Schizophrenia may also be more common in people with a family history of the disorder or those who have a first-degree relative with schizophrenia (a parent, sibling or child).

If you are experiencing chronic mental illness, there is help out there.

If you are experiencing chronic mental illness, there is help out there. You can seek out community resources and support groups or find a therapist who specializes in treating schizophrenia. If you do not have access to these resources, then talk to your doctor about the options available for treatment and care. Do not give up hope!


We hope that this article has helped you to understand what schizophrenia is, and how it affects people’s lives. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, it’s important to seek help from a doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible.