The Art Lover’s Guide To Planning An Amazing Trip That You Will Be Proud Of When It’s Over

The Art Lover’s Guide To Planning An Amazing Trip That You Will Be Proud Of When It’s Over


Before you get started, let me say this: planning an amazing trip is not easy. But it’s completely worth it. The payoff is more than just bragging rights. When you work hard on planning the perfect trip, you will feel so much better when you travel. You’ll get to see more of what you came to see and have more time to do other things that make your vacation special too!

The Art Lover’s Guide To Planning An Amazing Trip That You Will Be Proud Of When It’s Over

Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous

You should always have a plan B. It’s okay to change your plans if something better comes along, or if you just feel like it. If you’re not sure about something and want advice on what to do, ask someone who knows more than you do (like me).

Be spontaneous!

Build in time for rest

A great vacation is one that you look back on fondly. It’s also one that doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted, hungover, and with a sore body from all the activities you crammed into it. This means being aware of your limits and not overdoing it–and taking a break every now and then.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from traveling around Europe this past summer with my family, it’s that planning ahead is key when trying to fit in as many museums or landmarks as possible during our trip (which was admittedly quite ambitious). We were able to see so much because we took advantage of free museum days at certain locations and made sure we got up early enough each day so that we could spend hours exploring before lunchtime rolled around…but sometimes this meant sacrificing sleep or resting after dinner instead of going out dancing until 4 AM like we wanted!

Don’t let a museum pass by

  • You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn from a museum. From art to science, museums are a great way to expand your horizons.
  • They’re also perfect for learning about history and culture! If you’re looking for somewhere fun and educational that won’t cost too much money (or any), check out one of the many museums in your area.

Have a plan B

Always have a plan B. Planning is important, but you also need to be flexible. The weather may not cooperate or parking might be scarce. If you can’t find parking, try walking from another nearby location or just go for it!

Planning your trip with the hope that everything will go according to plan isn’t realistic or helpful–you should always have at least one contingency in place so that if something goes wrong, you can still enjoy yourself without feeling like all your hard work has been wasted (or worse: being stuck somewhere).

Good planning makes all the difference.

If you’re planning a trip, the most important thing to do is plan ahead. If you don’t, things will get chaotic and stressful in no time at all. Planning helps keep things under control and makes sure that everything goes smoothly for everyone involved–you included!

Planning also helps save money by giving you an idea of what things cost before heading out into the world. This way, when it comes time to pay up at restaurants or hotels or museums or wherever else they may take us (and they will), we won’t be surprised by how much something costs us because we already know how much it should be costing us. It’s easier on our wallets if we can avoid those kinds of surprises!

It also helps us stay safe while traveling abroad; knowing which countries have dangerous areas where tourists might get kidnapped allows us (and our parents) peace-of-mind while exploring new cultures across Europe or Asia or South America etcetera ad nauseam…


I hope this article has given you some ideas for planning your own art-filled vacation. Remember, the most important thing is to just get out there and see what happens! If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our other articles on where to find amazing art museums around the world.