The Art-Lover’s Guide To Visiting The Louvre, Paris

The Art-Lover’s Guide To Visiting The Louvre, Paris


The Louvre is the world’s most visited museum, and with good reason: it houses an incredible collection of art. You can get lost in this massive space and spend hours strolling through halls full of famous paintings. So if you’re planning a visit to Paris and want to make sure you see everything that this historic institution has to offer, here are some tips on how best to make the most out of your time there!

The Art-Lover’s Guide To Visiting The Louvre, Paris

Tip 1 – The best time to visit the Louvre is in the morning.

  • The best time to visit the Louvre is in the morning.

The museum opens at 9am and the crowds are smaller, so you’ll have more space and time to enjoy your visit. It closes at 6pm, but you’ll want to spend as much time as possible there because it’s such a big place!

Tip 2 – Buy your ticket online before you go.

The Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world, but it’s also one of the busiest. If you want to avoid long lines, it’s best to buy your tickets online before arriving at The Louvre.

You can purchase tickets directly from The Louvre or through their official website ( Tickets purchased via their website come with a slight discount over purchasing them at the museum itself and allow you to print them at home prior to arrival.

Tip 3 – Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, especially in summer.

The Louvre is very large and you’ll be walking a lot. There are more than 2.5 million pieces of art in the museum, so expect to spend at least two days exploring everything! Wearing comfortable shoes is essential for this trip; you will be doing a lot of walking and standing around waiting in line at security checkpoints.

The weather in Paris can be unpredictable, so pack appropriate clothing for all seasons: winter, spring/summer/fall and rain gear if necessary (it rains frequently). Be sure not to wear anything too heavy or tight as it will make it harder for you move around easily while visiting this amazing museum.

Tip 4 – Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

The Louvre is home to over 35,000 works of art, but it’s easy to get lost in the grandeur and scale of this museum. If you find yourself wandering aimlessly or looking for something specific, don’t be afraid to ask one of the many people working at the Louvre for help!

They will be happy to assist you in finding what you need–whether that means pointing out a particular piece or answering questions about its history. They can also help with directions and recommendations on other exhibits within their department or even outside ones that may interest you most.

Tip 5 – There are four floors of galleries at the Louvre.

There are four floors of galleries at the Louvre. The ground floor is dedicated to the Egyptian collection, which includes items from tombs and temples as well as everyday objects such as jewelry and furniture.

The first floor is dedicated to the Greek, Roman and Etruscan collections; it’s where you’ll find statues of gods like Zeus or Aphrodite, works by artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael, plus some pretty cool mosaics!

The second floor is dedicated to Islamic art–you’ll see everything from ceramic plates decorated with flowers (so pretty!) to intricate carved jade objects made for rulers who lived hundreds of years ago in China or other parts of Asia. This section also includes some beautiful paintings by artists like Matisse who were inspired by Islamic designs but didn’t live during those times themselves – so cool! And if you’re still thirsty for knowledge after this tour ends? Check out our blog post “Top 5 Tips For Visiting Paris With Kids”!

Tip 6 – Plan ahead to avoid falling into a museum-induced coma.

  • Plan ahead to avoid falling into a museum-induced coma.
  • The Louvre is massive, and it can be hard to know where to start. To avoid getting overwhelmed, plan your route in advance and decide which works of art are most important for you to see first.
  • Get a map from the information desk (or download one from the Louvre’s website) so that you can see where everything is located on their floor plan before setting off on your journey through the museum.
  • Use this map as well as any other resources available online (like my guide!) when planning out how much time each section will take and what order they should go in so that you don’t get too tired or frustrated trying to do everything at once! If possible try taking breaks every hour or two; this way if someone needs some time away from all those beautiful paintings then at least there won’t be any pressure from others around them saying “Come on! We haven’t got all day!”

The Louvre is an enormous museum and it can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan beforehand.

The Louvre is an enormous museum and it can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan beforehand. The best way to get around this is by downloading the museum’s app, which has audio guides in multiple languages and gives you information on each piece of art in the museum. You can also download an audio guide from iTunes or Google Play.

If you’re looking for some tips on where to start your visit to the Louvre, here are some suggestions:

  • Start with paintings that are familiar to everyone like The Mona Lisa (La Joconde) by Leonardo da Vinci or Venus de Milo by Alexandros of Antioch because these famous paintings will give visitors more context as they explore other areas of the Louvre studio apartments paris


Whether you’re visiting Paris for the first time or are an art-lover who wants to learn more about this cultural institution, the Louvre is an absolute must-see. It has so much history packed into its walls that even if you spend just one day there, you’ll come away feeling like you’ve learned something new about humanity and our place in the world. With all of these tips on how best to navigate through this massive museum complex, hopefully your next trip won’t be as stressful as mine!