The Iconic Landmarks of America: A Tour Through Its Rich History, Natural Wonders, and Cultural 

The Iconic Landmarks of America: A Tour Through Its Rich History, Natural Wonders, and Cultural 


In the United States, landmarks are symbols of history and culture. They can be natural wonders like mountains or rivers, man-made buildings like skyscrapers or homes, monuments to war heroes like statues or memorials. There are thousands of these landmarks all over America—many of which you’ve heard of before but many that you haven’t yet discovered! I’m going to take you on a tour where we’ll visit some of these places as well as some lesser known ones so that by the time we’re done exploring together you’ll have a better understanding of what makes this great country so iconic.

The Iconic Landmarks of America: A Tour Through Its Rich History, Natural Wonders, and Cultural 

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, an iconic landmark in New York City, was a gift from France to America in 1886. It was designed by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel (yes, that guy). The statue stands 151 feet tall and weighs 450 tons–the largest statue in the U.S.

The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, which separates Manhattan from Jersey City and Staten Island. You can access it via ferry or private boat tour; otherwise you’ll need to take a tour boat out there if you’re visiting New York City without a car.

The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper in New York City, United States. It was built during the Great Depression and opened on May 1, 1931.

The building stands 1,250 feet (381 m) tall and has 103 floors. It was designed by William F. Lamb with John W. Burgee & Company as associate architect; however, the famous spire at the top of the building was designed by Henry Ives Cobb who also designed many other buildings in New York City including Grand Central Terminal.[1]

The Empire State Building has been visited by over 110 million people since its opening day,[2] making it one of America’s most popular tourist attractions.[3][4][5] It also holds several records including being named “tallest freestanding structure” when measured from street level to pinnacle height which stands at 1,250 feet (381 meters)[6].

Skyline Drive

If you’re looking for an outdoor adventure, Skyline Drive is the place to go. The road runs through Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland and spans more than 100 miles (160 kilometers). It’s famous for its scenic views of mountains and forests–and also serves as an important wildlife corridor between Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina.

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of America’s most iconic landmarks. The 277-mile-long canyon has been carved by the Colorado River, which flows through it. It is located in Arizona and stretches from north to south.

The Grand Canyon was first explored by Europeans in 1540 when Francisco Vazquez de Coronado led an expedition through Arizona and New Mexico. In 1869, Ulysses S Grant signed legislation establishing Yellowstone National Park as the first US national park; however, it wasn’t until 1919 that Congress designated Grand Canyon National Park as a national park (it was previously managed by the state).

Today it’s visited by millions every year who come here to experience its natural wonders: deep gorges formed over millions of years by erosion from water; towering rock formations such as “the Great White Throne”; hiking trails along its rim; scenic drives along its length or down into its depths–there’s no shortage of things to do at this incredible place!

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone, South Dakota in the United States. The memorial features 60-foot sculptures of the heads of four United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Mount Rushmore was originally conceived as a monument to honor famous Americans from its past: military leaders and politicians who helped shape its history. After many years of planning and construction (from 1927 to 1941), Mount Rushmore was completed on October 31st, 1941 by sculptor Gutzon Borglum.[1] He had worked with hundreds of workers over that period creating this amazing piece of art which can be seen from miles away!

Yellowstone National Park

  • Yellowstone National Park is the largest national park in the lower 48 states. It contains many geysers and hot springs, as well as wildlife species such as bears, wolves, bison and elk.
  • There are many trails for hiking and biking throughout Yellowstone National Park that range from easy to difficult depending on your skill level.
  • The park is located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho (which is where Old Faithful is located).

The Alamo

The Alamo is a mission in San Antonio, Texas. It was the site of the Battle of the Alamo, which took place on March 6-13 1836 and was a turning point in Texas’ fight for independence from Mexico. In addition to being an important historical site and shrine to Texas Independence, it’s also now home to an impressive museum that pays homage to those who died there.

The Liberty Bell Center, Independence Hall and Museum and Betsy Ross House

The Liberty Bell Center, Independence Hall and Museum, and Betsy Ross House are all in Philadelphia. The Liberty Bell is a symbol of American independence; it was rung on July 8th 1776 to announce the signing of the Declaration of Independence by John Hancock (who signed his name large enough so that King George III would be able to read it). The Declaration was then read aloud to those gathered outside by Thomas Jefferson who had been named its author earlier that day.

The National Park Service maintains several historic sites throughout America including these three locations which together tell an important story about our country’s history as well as provide educational opportunities for visitors today.

The White House and Washington Monument

The White House and Washington Monument are two of America’s most iconic landmarks. Located in the heart of Washington DC, the White House has been home to every US president since John Adams and is currently occupied by President Donald Trump. The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall and stands as a symbol of national pride, as well as honoring George Washington himself who was America’s first president and general during its Revolutionary War against British rule.

The National Mall is also located here with several other important sites including: Lincoln Memorial; Jefferson Memorial; FDR Memorial; Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall (known better as “The Wall”), which honors those who died in service during Vietnam War; World War II Memorial Plaza & Pacific Basin Fountains – designed by Maya Lin who designed another famous site called “The Vietnam Veterans Memorial” (also known as The Wall). This memorial features names etched into stone walls representing soldiers who died during World War II along with an inscription reading “Here We Marked Their Lives With Honor.”

America’s many landmarks represent its history and culture

Landmarks are symbols of the country’s history and culture. They represent who we are as Americans, what we’ve done together, and where we’re going as a nation. Landmarks also give us an opportunity to learn about each other by sharing in these experiences together.

Landmarks remind us of who we are as Americans by giving us a glimpse into our past–they can help us understand how far we’ve come since they were built or established (or even before). Landmarks show us how much time has passed since their creation–a century ago! two centuries ago! five hundred years ago!–and this helps put into perspective how long it took for certain things to develop (and also why some things might seem outdated).

Landmarks allow visitors from across America access into another person’s hometown simply by visiting one monument or another; thus providing them with an opportunity for cultural exchange where otherwise none would exist otherwise


We hope that this list has given you a taste of the rich history and culture of America. There are many other landmarks that deserve to be on it, but we feel that these are some of the most iconic. If you’re interested in learning more about them or other landmarks across the country, check out our website!