The Skills and Qualities That Make An Aussie The Perfect Travel Companion

The Skills and Qualities That Make An Aussie The Perfect Travel Companion


The Australian culture is known for its love of adventure, and that’s why Aussies make great travel companions. They’re always up for a road trip, they know how to make the most out of their travel budget, and they won’t stop until they’ve found what they’re looking for. Here are some skills and qualities that make an Aussie the perfect travel companion:

The Skills and Qualities That Make An Aussie The Perfect Travel Companion

They’re always up for a road trip.

Aussie travellers are always up for a road trip. They know how to make the most out of their travel budget and will never get lost in a parking lot.

They’ll help you find the best things to do on the side of the road, whether it’s swimming in an ocean or finding an awesome diner that has great food at an affordable price.

They can find the best things to do on the side of the road.

An Aussie is a master of finding the best things to do on the side of the road. They know how to find a great spot for a picnic and they know how to find a great swimming hole, but they also know that sometimes those things aren’t available, so they’ll make their own fun. If it’s not possible to have lunch at that beautiful park with grassy fields and trees all around you, then why not just pull over into an empty parking lot? Or if there aren’t any lakes nearby where you can go swimming, why not just jump into your friend’s pool (or go swimming in your underwear)?

An Aussie knows how important it is not only being able to enjoy yourself but also making sure everyone else around him/her has fun too!

They know how to make the most out of their travel budget.

You’ve heard the saying ‘the best things in life are free’, and it’s true. Australians know how to make the most out of their travel budget.

They know that sometimes you have to get creative when it comes to saving money on travel, so they look for ways that they can use their skills as a traveler to save some cash.

  • How do you find cheap flights?
  • The Internet! There are plenty of websites where airlines post their flight deals, so all you need is an email address and some patience in order to land yourself some great deals on airline tickets (and maybe even earn yourself some frequent flyer miles).
  • Where should I stay if I want free accommodation?
  • Couch Surfing is a great website where people offer up spare rooms or couches for travelers who need somewhere safe and comfortable while exploring new places (it’s also a good way for locals who like meeting new people). You can learn more about this site here: www .couchsurfing .com/about/.

Their car will never get lost in a parking lot.

If you’re travelling with an Aussie, their car will never get lost in a parking lot. They know how to read a map and have a good sense of direction. No matter how far off course you go, they’ll always find their way back without any help from Google Maps or Waze.

They’re also always prepared for anything that may happen on the road–including flat tires and breakdowns!

They know how to navigate tricky terrain.

  • They know how to navigate tricky terrain.
  • Have you ever been driving on dirt roads? Or in the outback? If not, your Aussie travel buddy will be more than happy to show you how it’s done. They’ll be able to tell you exactly where to go and what obstacles (like kangaroos) might pop up along the way, so that even if something does go wrong, at least one of you will know what needs fixing.
  • How about driving on sand or snow? That’s no problem either! You may think these conditions would make driving difficult but an Aussie knows just how much pressure needs applying so that each wheel has traction with whatever surface they’re traveling over – whether it’s wet grass or ice-covered pavement!

You’ll never have trouble finding directions when going somewhere new because they’ve got such a good understanding of their surroundings; plus there won’t be any surprises when it comes time for lunch break either: “Let’s stop here,” says our friend from Down Under as he points toward some trees nearby.”

They won’t stop until they’ve found what they’re looking for.

An Aussie will not be easily discouraged. You can take them to a place they’ve never been before and they’ll keep going until they find what they’re looking for. They won’t stop until they’ve found it, which is why they make such great travel companions!

Aussie mates are always up for an adventure so they make great travel companions

Aussie mates are always up for an adventure so they make great travel companions.

  • They’re adventurous: An Aussie mate will jump at the chance to do something off the beaten path, like hiking through a forest or finding their way across rocky terrain. They know how to make the most out of their travel budget by finding the best places for food, drinks and entertainment on the side of the road–and they won’t stop until they’ve found what they’re looking for!
  • They know how to navigate tricky terrain: If your group gets lost while exploring an unfamiliar area, an Aussie mate will be able to find their way back home with ease; after all, he’s been doing this since he was knee-high (or shorter).


The great thing about Aussie mates is that they’re always up for an adventure. They know how to have fun, but also how to keep themselves safe when things get dangerous. If you’re looking for a good travel companion then look no further than an Aussie mate!