These Are The Visual Artists To Watch In America’s Art Communities

These Are The Visual Artists To Watch In America’s Art Communities


In the contemporary art world, there’s no shortage of artists making names for themselves in cities like New York and Los Angeles. But what about other cities across America? The best way to discover these lesser-known places is by seeking out their local arts scenes—and today, we’ll be talking about four communities that are ripe with emerging talent.

These Are The Visual Artists To Watch In America’s Art Communities

Artist communities are known for their local art scenes, and there’s no shortage of talent in these towns.

Art communities are known for their local art scenes, and there’s no shortage of talent in these towns. Here are some of the most promising artists to keep an eye on:

  • In Brooklyn, New York, artist Kiki Smith has been creating sculptures and prints since the 1980s that explore themes like identity and history. Her work is on display at the Museum of Modern Art and has been featured in solo exhibitions around the world; her studio space even doubles as an exhibition space for other artists’ projects!
  • In Durham, North Carolina–home to Duke University–you can find painter Susan Cooper whose paintings often feature female subjects who express pain through abstract shapes or geometric forms (like triangles). She’ll often incorporate text into her compositions as well which adds another layer of meaning or interpretation for viewers when they see them up close at her studio location near downtown Durham!

Chicago has been a major hub for contemporary art since the 1980s, when galleries first began colonizing its megamalls, then deserted industrial districts.

Chicago’s history in the arts is rich, and it’s home to many working artists. These are just a few of the visual artists who call Chicago home.

Chicago is a great place to see cutting-edge contemporary art–and there’s always something new to discover at any time of year.

Artists from Milwaukee

Milwaukee is a city that has been gaining attention for its thriving arts scene. The Midwestern metropolis is home to many working artists, including these four women who were born or raised there.

These artists have made their mark on the city’s art community by creating work that engages with issues of identity, community and place–all topics that are important to Milwaukee natives.

The Twin Cities have long been known as one of America’s most vibrant places for contemporary art.

In the Twin Cities, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. The Twin Cities have long been known as one of America’s most vibrant places for contemporary art. But even though there’s plenty of local talent, you may not know it yet–because this area doesn’t get much attention outside of Minnesota itself. These are some of the Twin Cities’ most promising young visual artists:

  • Adam Ostrander

Ostrander is a photographer who lives and works in Minneapolis. He makes large-scale portraits with an 8×10 film camera that are printed on metal plates and mounted onto wooden panels or aluminum sheets; then he paints over them with oil paints before finally sealing them with varnish so that light reflects off their surfaces in different ways depending on where you stand relative to them (kinda like how those fake trees look real from one angle but fake from another). Ostrander uses this technique because he wants viewers “to see themselves reflected back within these images,” which helps make people feel more connected with each other even though they’re separated by time and space–and maybe also because it looks really cool!

There are few better places in America than Austin, Texas to see cutting-edge contemporary art–especially if you’re willing to go beyond the well-known institutions like Wannamaker County Park at ACCCA or the Blanton Museum at UT Austin Galleries at Blanton Museum of Art (which houses pieces by Richard Serra, Ellsworth Kelly and Andy Goldsworthy).

Austin is known for its vibrant arts scene, but there are so many galleries in this Texas city that it can be difficult to know where to start. The city’s museums are great–the Blanton Museum of Art at UT Austin Galleries at Blanton Museum of Art houses pieces by Richard Serra, Ellsworth Kelly and Andy Goldsworthy–but there are also smaller galleries worth checking out if you want an up-close look at some cutting-edge contemporary art.

Here are five contemporary art spaces worth visiting during your next trip to Austin:


The art world is constantly evolving, and so are the artists who create it. These are just a few of the most promising young visual artists in America today.