Traditional African Art: Myths and Symbols

Traditional African Art: Myths and Symbols


African masks are an incredibly diverse and fascinating art form. Each mask has a specific purpose, meaning and significance depending on who made it and where it came from. The most important thing to remember when buying a mask is that you need to research it beforehand so that you know what you are getting into! If you don’t know much about African masks yet then here’s a brief introduction:

Traditional African Art: Myths and Symbols

African masks are made to represent spirits, ancestors and other spiritual entities.

African masks are made to represent spirits, ancestors and other spiritual entities. They are used in ceremonies and dances and also in funerals. African masks are made from wood, clay or bronze. They have holes for the eyes, nose and mouth so that they can see through them when wearing it during ceremonies or funerals.

African masks are usually used in ceremonies, funerals and dances.

In most African societies, masks are not worn in everyday life. They are used during ceremonies and rituals to represent spirits or ancestors, or they are worn during funerals. The mask’s purpose is to bring good luck and blessings to the wearer. For example, if someone has died recently then a mask will be worn so that the spirit of that person can join with other spirits who have passed away before them.

This type of art was very important in Africa because it helped people understand their world better by communicating with spirits through dance or drama (dramatic performances).

The most common types of masks found in Africa are full face masks which cover the entire head.

The most common types of masks found in Africa are full face masks which cover the entire head. These masks were used by people to represent various deities or spirits, as well as provide protection from illness and evil spirits.

There are many different types of African masks that depict various animals, humans and supernatural beings.

There are many different types of African masks that depict various animals, humans and supernatural beings. Some traditional masks include:

  • Masks of lions – Lions are considered to be symbols of strength and power
  • Masks of leopards – Leopards are believed to have supernatural powers that give them the ability to change their shape at will
  • Human masks – The human face was believed to be able to communicate spiritual messages through its expression.

African masks are most often made from wood or clay but they have also been made from bronze, brass, ivory and even precious stones such as jade.

African masks are most often made from wood or clay but they have also been made from bronze, brass, ivory and even precious stones such as jade.

The materials used in the creation of an African mask depend on the region where it was made and what materials were available there.

Most African masks have holes for the eyes, nose and mouth which means that they can be seen by the wearer when worn.

The most important thing to know when buying a mask is what it represents. It’s also good to know whether or not the mask has been made with materials that are comfortable for the wearer, as well as how heavy it may be. If you’re looking at purchasing an African mask online and have never worn one before, you can check out reviews from other customers who have done so before you buy.

When considering these factors when shopping around for traditional African art pieces like masks and statues:

There are many different styles and types of African masks but all share certain features such as a beautiful surface finish either painted or carved with extraordinary detail.

There are many different styles and types of African masks but all share certain features such as a beautiful surface finish either painted or carved with extraordinary detail. The most common materials used for African masks are wood, clay and metal. However, some masks can be made from bronze and brass as well as ivory (tusk from elephants). In addition to these materials some artists create sculptures from precious stones such as jade which is found throughout Africa especially in Zimbabwe.

The significance of each mask differs by region or tribe so it is important to learn about each one before you buy one

Each mask has its own significance, so it is important to learn about each one before you buy one. For example, if a mask is from the Baule tribe in Ivory Coast, it may represent a warrior who fights evil spirits and protects his community from harm. In contrast, if a mask is from Ghana’s Ashanti region it might be used by men during ceremonies when they show off their skill at dancing and drumming for others’ entertainment.


If you’re looking for an authentic African mask, there are many options available. They come in a variety of styles and sizes so there should be one that suits your needs perfectly. If you’re unsure about which type would best suit your home decor or any other questions regarding these beautiful works of art then feel free to contact us today!