What I’ve Learned From Celebrating Lunar New Year

What I’ve Learned From Celebrating Lunar New Year


As a child, I always looked forward to the Lunar New Year. It was like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween all rolled into one. My family would clean our home from top to bottom in preparation for the celebration, which involved burning incense and joss paper in every room. We burned these items because they’re said to help rid your house of bad luck and bad energy while also bringing good fortune into the home. This cleansing ritual was followed by cooking a feast of delicious food—all made from scratch using only fresh ingredients!

What I’ve Learned From Celebrating Lunar New Year

Traveling during Lunar New Year can be an incredible experience!

Traveling during Lunar New Year can be an incredible experience! The holidays, which run from late January to early February, are celebrated in China and other countries with large Chinese populations such as Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia. The festivities include parades and fireworks displays that draw crowds from all over the world–and if you’re lucky enough to have a local family invite you into their home for dinner or tea (or both), there’s no better way to get acquainted with their culture than by sharing food together.

I recommend traveling in Asia during this time because there are so many different ways to celebrate: You could attend one of many festivals held across China; visit one of its famous temples; take part in dragon dances; or watch fireworks light up the sky as you sit on top of Victoria Peak overlooking Hong Kong Island below

Lunar New Year is like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween all rolled into one.

Lunar New Year is like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween all rolled into one. It’s a time to celebrate family and friends, be with your community and eat delicious food. It’s also an opportunity to do some cleaning because it’ll help you get rid of bad luck from last year.

There are so many traditions associated with Lunar New Year that I could write an entire book about them – but for now, here are some highlights:

A lot of the traditions surrounding Lunar New Year have to do with cleaning and purifying the home.

It’s a time to cleanse the home, and this is done through burning incense and joss sticks. In the past, people would burn paper money in their homes as well; this was called “burning hell money,” because it was believed that doing so would send bad spirits back down into hell where they belonged. And finally, firecrackers were also used to drive away evil spirits–and they’re still lit today!

Chinese New Year is also a time for celebration and eating lots of delicious food.

Chinese New Year is a time for celebration and eating lots of delicious food.

It’s also a time to visit family and friends, or even travel outside the country if you’re so inclined!

You’ll have the opportunity to give gifts during this holiday. The most popular gifts are red envelopes filled with money, but there are other options available as well. If you want to avoid giving cash altogether, consider buying something more personal like jewelry or art instead!

There are plenty of ways to celebrate Lunar New Year as a traveler in Asia.

If you’re a traveler in Asia and want to celebrate Lunar New Year, there are plenty of ways to do so. You can travel to the countries that celebrate it (China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan), visit the temples and markets that are open during this time and enjoy traditional cuisine at restaurants. Or if you don’t have plans yet for your holiday travel this year–or are staying put at home–you could even invite friends over for dinner!

One thing I learned from celebrating Lunar New Year is that learning about its traditions helps me understand why it’s such an important holiday for people who live here. For example: one tradition involves making wishes by blowing into paper lanterns while they’re lit up; another involves cleaning out old clutter from your house before welcoming new things into your life; still another involves wearing red clothes because red signifies good fortune throughout history!


If you’re planning a trip to Asia, it’s worth considering when Lunar New Year might fall. The celebrations are vibrant and full of life, and they are also a great opportunity to learn more about the culture of China and other countries that celebrate this holiday. If you don’t have time for an extended trip abroad but still want to experience something special on February 8th or February 9th (depending on where in the world), then consider attending one of these events near where you live!