16 Amazing European Landmarks You Didn’t Know About

16 Amazing European Landmarks You Didn’t Know About


The world is full of amazing landmarks and buildings, but there are some that stand out from the rest. These stunning structures have a history that goes back centuries, or even millennia. They are awe-inspiring places where you can marvel at the architecture and learn about ancient cultures. If you’re planning a trip to Europe, consider visiting these 16 amazing European landmarks:

16 Amazing European Landmarks You Didn’t Know About

Bathing in a Roman Bath

If you’re looking to bathe in a Roman bath, the best place to do so is the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. These baths were built by Emperor Caracalla in 212 A.D., and they’re still used today! In fact, if you want to go into one of these ancient Roman baths yourself (and who wouldn’t?), all you have to do is buy a ticket at one of three entrances: Via delle Terme di Caracalla or Piazza della Repubblica 6-8; Via degli Astalli 12; or Via delle Terme di Diocleziano 126-128.

Once inside, try out an array of amenities such as saunas and hot tubs–you’ll feel like an ancient Roman emperor or empress yourself!

The Temple of Zeus at Olympia

The temple of Zeus at Olympia was one of the most important temples in ancient Greece. It was dedicated to Zeus, the king of gods and men, who was believed to live on Mount Olympus. The dedication took place in 456 BC and it is said that Libon built the temple after he saw a vision in which he would build a great building for his lord.

The temple has been destroyed several times over its long history but it remains an important symbol today because it shows how people used to worship their gods thousands of years ago

Colosseum, Rome

The Colosseum, or the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of Rome. Built in 70AD by Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus as a gift to the Roman people for their victory over Judea, it was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles. The Colosseum is considered one of Rome’s greatest architectural achievements and has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.[1] With a capacity of 50,000 spectators,[2] it was used for many years to host various types of events including plays, musical performances and executions.[3]

The Acropolis in Athens

The Acropolis is an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens. It’s one of the most famous symbols of Greece and has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1987. The Acropolis was built by the Athenians in 5th century BC, who used it as their religious center for many centuries before abandoning it after its conquest by Roman forces in 86 BC. It was later rebuilt during Byzantine times (4th-6th centuries AD), but suffered extensive damage from an earthquake in 1356; only parts of its foundations were left standing after this disaster.[1]

Today, visitors come here to see some of the most important monuments from classical Greek architecture such as temples dedicated to Athena Nike or Poseidon Helikonios,[2] while also exploring other sites such as Propylaea[3], Treasury Of Athena[4] and Erechtheion with Caryatids.[5]

Palace of Versailles, France

The Palace of Versailles, located in Versailles, France, is the largest palace in the world. It was built by Louis XIV and completed in 1710. The palace is a symbol of the French monarchy and has been home to many French kings over its 300-year history.

The palace was designed by Jules Hardouin Mansart who worked closely with Louis XIV on every aspect of its design including gardens and fountains that were used to create elaborate water features throughout the grounds. Today you can visit these amazing gardens as well as explore inside The Hall Of Mirrors (or Galerie des Glaces) which houses 18th century artworks including paintings by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle is the largest castle complex in the world, with about 1,000 rooms. It’s also one of the oldest and most famous landmarks in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Royal Palace is located within Prague Castle and contains several notable buildings including St. Vitus Cathedral and Golden Lane. The cathedral was built between 1344-1470 by Emperor Charles IV as a place of worship for himself and his family members (it’s also where they were buried). It’s now home to an art museum showcasing paintings from artists like Jan Matejko who worked there during his lifetime; you can see his famous painting “Battle of Grunwald” here!

Golden Lane was originally built as housing for miners who worked nearby mines but has since become something else entirely–a tourist attraction filled with restaurants serving traditional Czech food like dumplings called knedliky or chicken paprikash soup

The Louvre Museum in Paris

The Louvre Museum in Paris is one of the largest art museums in the world. It was built in 1793, and its collection includes thousands of works of art dating back to ancient times.

The museum is open every day except Mondays, though it closes at 6 pm during winter months (November through March).

Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle is a 19th-century palace in Bavaria, Germany. It was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and is located on the edge of the Alps.

The castle was built by Eduard Riedel and Christian Jank between 1869 and 1886 as an imitation of medieval style castles with elements from different periods such as Gothic architecture and Romanesque architecture. Neuschwanstein’s design was an inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle[1] which opened in 1959.[2]

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany

The Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of German unity and was originally built as a triumphal arch to celebrate victories in the Seven Years’ War. Designed by Carl Gotthard Langhans, it was constructed between 1788 and 1791.

The Brandenburg Gate suffered considerable damage during World War II, but has since been restored to its former glory (and then some). Today, it stands as one of Europe’s most recognizable landmarks; if you’ve ever heard someone say “I’m going to Europe this summer,” chances are good that they were talking about visiting this iconic structure!

If you find yourself in Berlin and want to experience this magnificent piece of history for yourself–or if you just want another reason not to miss out on your European vacation–then make sure not only learn about these amazing landmarks but also add them onto your itinerary!

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy

The main square of Venice is a popular tourist destination and often called St. Mark’s Square. The square has been a public space since the 12th century and it was built in its current form during the 16th century. It has been used as an open-air market since the Middle Ages and was once dominated by a large statue of St Peter standing on his tomb with two lions at his feet (now housed inside the basilica). Today, visitors can enjoy an array of monuments including:

  • Loggia dei Cavalli – This loggia houses four bronze horses that were made by Veronese artist Antonio Rizzo in 1550 for Doge Girolamo Priuli;
  • Campanile di San Marco – This bell tower was designed by Jacopo Sansovino who also designed some other famous buildings such as Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari;
  • Basilica di San Marco – This church contains treasures including Byzantine mosaics from Constantinople after they were looted during Fourth Crusade led by Enrico Dandolo (*Note: check out our guide on how much it costs to visit all these attractions).

Wawel Cathedral, Krakow Poland

The Wawel Cathedral, located in Krakow Poland, is a Gothic structure that houses the tombs of Polish kings. It is located next to the Royal Castle and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978. The cathedral was built on the site of an earlier pagan temple and contains many relics from its past inhabitants including sculptures by Italian artists Lorenzo Gafita and Giovanni Zaninetti as well as a reliquary containing what are believed to be Saint Stanislaus’ arm bones and teeth.

Don’t miss these amazing European landmarks.

  • Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
  • Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
  • Roman Colosseum, Rome, Italy


We hope you enjoyed this list of amazing European landmarks. If you want to explore some of these places in person, check out our Europe travel guides!