A Quest To Document The Remaining Ancient Landmarks Of Europe

A Quest To Document The Remaining Ancient Landmarks Of Europe


The world is a beautiful place. From the tallest mountains to the deepest oceans and everything in between, there is an abundance of natural beauty all over this planet. But just because an area has natural beauty doesn’t mean it’s immune to human development and neglect. Many ancient landmarks around the world have been abandoned or destroyed by human activity; however, some have managed to survive despite these setbacks (and some have even thrived!). Photographer Kevin McElvaney has taken it upon himself to try and document what remains of Europe’s most significant ancient landmarks before they’re lost forever—and his photos are absolutely breathtaking!

A Quest To Document The Remaining Ancient Landmarks Of Europe

Around the world, there are ancient sites that have survived time and human activity.

I have spent the last few years traveling across Europe and documenting some of its remaining ancient landmarks. I’ve been to places like Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru, and Petra in Jordan. Each site has its own unique history and story to tell about how it has survived time and human activity–and many people don’t even realize they exist!

While some of these sites are still being used today (like Stonehenge), others were abandoned long ago (like Petra). But no matter what state they’re in now, each location tells us something different about our past as humans on this planet–and there’s nothing more fascinating than that!

These landmarks are remnants of civilizations that have long since gone, or are evidence of cultures that have been wiped out.

The world is a vast place, with many different cultures and peoples. Some of these cultures have been around for thousands of years, while others are only a few hundred years old. It’s important to preserve the history of these civilizations so that future generations can learn from their mistakes and successes alike.

The monuments in Europe are remnants of ancient civilizations that have long since passed into memory–or evidence of cultures that were wiped out entirely by war or disease. Documenting these landmarks is crucial if we want future generations to know what life was like before them; without this documentation, they might never know how many great civilizations existed before theirs!

Unfortunately, many of these sites are being lost to development and neglect.

There are many reasons why these landmarks are being lost. Some of them, like the Colosseum in Rome, Italy and the Acropolis in Athens Greece were built as monuments to great leaders or events. They may not have been used for what they were intended but they remain as reminders of our past and how far we have come.

Other sites such as Stonehenge in England or Machu Picchu in Peru were built so long ago that no one knows exactly why they were constructed or by whom (although there are theories). These places hold secrets about our planet’s history that could help us understand our planet better today if we knew more about them!

Still others–like Pompeii–were lost due to natural disasters like earthquakes or volcanoes erupting nearby; this happened with Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD destroying everything within its reach including buildings made out of stone!

To help prevent this from happening as rapidly as possible, photographer Kevin McElvaney has embarked on a quest to document some of Europe’s most significant ancient landmarks in a series called “Last Remaining.”

To help prevent this from happening as rapidly as possible, photographer Kevin McElvaney has embarked on a quest to document some of Europe’s most significant ancient landmarks in a series called “Last Remaining.”

McElvaney plans to visit some of these locations and photograph them before they’re gone forever. The first location he visited was the Abbey at Clonmacnoise in Ireland, which dates back to 553 AD and is one of the oldest monasteries in Europe.

Here are some of the photos taken by McElvaney on his travels around Europe so far.

McElvaney’s photos are beautiful, but they also show something else: the photographer has a unique perspective on the world.

The photos are evidence of the beauty of our planet and how much we have lost over time.

The Earth is a beautiful place and it would be sad if we lost some of its most important parts forever

The Earth is a beautiful place, and it would be sad if we lost some of its most important parts forever.

In the age of technology and globalization, it’s easy to forget that there are still places in this world where time has stood still for hundreds or even thousands of years. These ancient landmarks have been preserved by their remoteness from civilization, but as humans continue to spread out across the globe at an unprecedented rate, these monuments will become increasingly vulnerable to destruction or decay over time.

As a photographer who loves traveling and exploring the world around him with his camera lens (and who also happens to have studied history), I’ve always found myself drawn towards these kinds of places–places where history lives on through architecture or artifacts left behind by previous generations; places that help us understand ourselves better as humans by reminding us how small we really are compared against nature itself; places where beauty can be found both above ground level as well as below it…


I think it’s important to preserve these sites, because they give us a sense of where we came from and what our ancestors were capable of. It would be sad if we lost some of the most significant parts of our history forever.