Iconic Landmarks of European Cities You Must See

Iconic Landmarks of European Cities You Must See


There are plenty of things to see in Europe, but these landmarks are some of the most iconic.

Iconic Landmarks of European Cities You Must See

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe, and for good reason. The 324-meter-tall iron structure was built in 1889 to serve as a symbol of France’s industrial might at the World’s Fair. It has since become an international icon and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Paris, attracting more than 7 million visitors per year. The structure also serves as an observation deck where visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Paris–and even see some other famous landmarks!

London Eye

London Eye is the tallest observation wheel in Europe, located on the south bank of the river Thames. It offers panoramic views of London and its landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster Abbey from 35 meters up above ground level. The London Eye was designed by David Marks and Julia Barfield, who worked on it for over seven years before construction started in 1995.

The attraction opened to the public on 31 December 1999 after six months’ worth of construction work finished ahead of schedule; over 2 million people visited during its first year alone! Today, it has become one of London’s most iconic tourist attractions: every year more than 3 million people ride one or both capsules while enjoying spectacular views across all four compass points (North East South West North). You can also see Buckingham Palace as well as other famous buildings such as St Paul’s Cathedral & Tower Bridge – if you’re lucky enough then maybe even catch sight of The Queen herself waving back at you!


The Colosseum, built in Rome, Italy, was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. It has a seating capacity of 50,000 people and was built by the Flavian dynasty in 72 AD as part of an imperial palace complex that included an amphitheater (which means “to tread on”) where people could watch battles between men wearing armor made out of metal plates called cuirasses or body armor made out of leather strips sewn together called lorica segmentata.

The Colosseum was originally known as Amphitheatrum Flavium meaning “Flavian Ampitheatre”. The name is derived from its builder Titus Flavius Vespasianus who reigned as Emperor from 69-79 A.D., along with his father Vespasian who ruled from 69-79 A.D., brother Domitian who reigned 81-96 A.D., nephew Trajan who reigned 98-117 A.D., niece Julia Titi born 63 A.D.; great granddaughter Agrippina Major born 15 B C but died 33 A D after killing her husband Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus Caesar Augustus Caligula’s son Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Octavianus Augustus Germanicus Philippus Tiberius Claudius Nero Britannicus Drusus Caligula Antonia Minor Agrippina Major born 15 BC died 33 AD after killing her husband Emperor Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus Caesar Augustus Caligula’s son Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Octavianus Augustus Germanicus Philippus Tiberius Claudius Nero Britannicus Druscilla Agrippina Minor born 25 BC died 65 AD poisoned by Emperor Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus Caesar Augustus Caligula’s son Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Octavianus Augustus Germanicus Philippus Tiberius Claudius Nero Britannicus Druscilla Antonia Minor born 20 BC

Belfry of Bruges

The Belfry of Bruges is a bell tower in the historic center of Bruges, Belgium. It was built in 1380 and is 97 meters tall, making it one of the tallest medieval towers in Europe. The belfry has an observation platform that allows you to see all over Bruges from above!

The Belfry houses 49 bells that range from 1 kilogram to 6 tons each; together they weigh more than 16 tons (18 short tons). The largest 8 bells were cast by Peter van den Gheyn in 1550; these are called “Grote Vrienden” (“Great Friends”). They are named after famous people who contributed to its construction: Jan van Eyck (painter), Jacob van Artevelde (politician), Philip van der Aa (astronomer), Pieter Goudaertszoon Smout and Jan Romboutszoon Vanderlinden (architects).

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is a Baroque fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy. It was designed by Nicola Salvi and completed by Pietro Bracci. The fountain has appeared in several notable films, including Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita (1960).

The name “Trevi” means “three waters,” referring to its three sources: one each for the Aniene, Aqua Virgo and Acqua Vergine aqueducts that supplied water to ancient Rome.[1] The complex of fountains was built by Pope Clement XII on his own property at the end of an old street called Via Giulia which ran down from Piazza di Spagna towards Tiber Island; he had it laid out as part of a larger project to improve access between Trastevere (a working-class district) and Piazza di Spagna via this street.[2] Its construction took place between 1732 and 1762;[3][4] during this time many other fountains were also built along its route,[5][6] including those at Sant’Agnese fuori le mura (1733), San Marcello al Corso[7](1734), Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini[8](1735), San Lorenzo in Miranda[9](1736) and Santa Maria del Popolo[10](1737).[11] The architects who designed these five fountains were chosen by competition among artists who submitted models; Nicola Salvi won with his design for Trevi Fountain.[12][13]

Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps, or the Piazza di Spagna, is one of those places that everyone has seen in movies and photos. It’s iconic–and for good reason! The steps are located in Rome, Italy on the famous Via Condotti shopping street. They’re also an easy walk from other tourist attractions like the Trevi Fountain and Colosseum.

The steps themselves were designed by Francesco de Sanctis and date back to 1723 when Pope Benedetto XIII commissioned them as part of his plan for urban renewal after a series of earthquakes rocked Rome during his reign. Today they serve as both a central meeting point for tourists as well as an excellent spot for taking pictures with your camera phone (or selfie stick).

If you’re planning on visiting this landmark yourself anytime soon then here’s what else we recommend doing: -Visit during sunset so that you can see how beautiful it looks lit up at night! -Take advantage of all its history by reading up on some facts about this landmark before going so that your experience will be even better!

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square.

The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are two of the most iconic landmarks in all of Europe. The Kremlin is a historic fortress complex that has served as the seat of power for Russian rulers since the 14th century. It’s surrounded by walls and towers, making it look like an ancient castle from afar. The square itself is home to many important events throughout history, including Napoleon’s invasion during the Napoleonic Wars (1812) and Stalin’s victory parade after World War II ended (1945).

The Kremlin houses several museums today: Armoury Chamber, Diamond Fund Exhibition Hall and History Museum among them. You can also visit St Basil’s Cathedral or Lenin’s Mausoleum while at Red Square–just be sure not to miss GUM department store!

There are many amazing landmarks in Europe.

There are many amazing landmarks in Europe.

You should see all of them. Some of the most famous landmarks in Europe are the Eiffel Tower, London Eye, Colosseum, Belfry of Bruges, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Red Square.


The great thing about Europe is that there are so many landmarks to see and explore. We hope this list has inspired you to visit at least one of these iconic European cities, but if not then maybe we can help with some other ideas!