Just Add Wine: Food And Wine Pairings That Bring The Best Out Of Each Other

Just Add Wine: Food And Wine Pairings That Bring The Best Out Of Each Other


Like most people, I’m a big fan of food and wine. The only problem is that sometimes one can get a little overwhelming, so it helps to pair them together. Here are some of my favorite pairings that bring out the best in each other:

Just Add Wine: Food And Wine Pairings That Bring The Best Out Of Each Other

Cheese and wine

Cheese and wine pairings are a match made in heaven, but it can be difficult to know which cheeses go best with which wines. We’ll walk you through the steps of pairing cheese with wine for beginners!

  • What sort of cheese should I choose?

When choosing your cheese, there are several factors that come into play: what kind of taste do you want from your meal? Do you like milder flavors or bolder ones? You might also consider how strong-tasting your wine is going to be–some wines are very strong and will overpower lighter cheeses like Brie or Havarti. If this is the case for your pairing, try using stronger varieties like Gruyere or aged Cheddar instead (and make sure they’re not too sharp–the last thing anyone wants is an upset stomach). If possible, try tasting some samples beforehand so that when it comes time for dinner guests arrive nothing goes wrong!

Coffee and wine

Coffee is a great way to start the day. It’s also an excellent way to end it, especially if you have a long day ahead of you. Coffee can help you relax after a stressful day, or get through one that’s just too long. We think it goes without saying that coffee and wine are natural partners–they both have their roots in Italy, after all–but we’ve got some specific recommendations for pairing them together:

  • If your morning cup of joe has left you jittery or anxious (or if it hasn’t!), try drinking an Italian red instead: Cabernet Sauvignon from California or Tuscany will do nicely! The mellow tannins in these wines will calm down any caffeine buzz while still letting the flavors shine through.* If lunchtime finds you feeling sluggish from overindulging at brunch (or even just from skipping breakfast), reach for one of these lighter white wines: Riesling from Germany or New Zealand is perfect with cheese curds.* When 5 pm rolls around and everyone else seems ready for happy hour already but not quite as ready as they think they are…well then there’s only one thing left do here; brew up some Irish Breakfast Tea made with whiskey instead!

Fish and wine

Fish is a tricky meal to pair with wine. The delicate nature of fish can be easily overpowered by stronger flavors and aromas, so it’s important to choose a wine that compliments the flavor without overpowering it.

Here are some tips for choosing the perfect pairing:

  • Avoid citrus wines and salty foods when eating seafood–the acidity will cut through any lingering taste buds left after eating saltier dishes like fish & chips or fried calamari rings. Instead opt for white wines with less acidity like chardonnay or sauvignon blanc as well as sweeter reds like pinot noir or cabernet sauvignon if you’re feeling adventurous!

Chocolate and wine

I love chocolate. I also love wine. It’s no surprise that these two things go together well, but did you know that there are many different types of chocolate and wine pairings?

Chocolate and wine pairings are not just for dessert; they can be savory or sweet! You may be thinking “I’m going to have a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon with my favorite piece of dark chocolate” but did you know there are even more options available? Perhaps instead you’d like an aged Riesling with some hazelnut praline truffles? Or maybe even try something new: white chocolate infused with raspberry liqueur paired with a sweet Moscato d’Asti? The possibilities are endless!

Red meat and white wine

Red wine is a great choice for red meat, but not all white wines are created equal. The same goes for seafood and chicken–you’ll want to match your dish with the right kind of wine.

In general, you can think about pairing red meat with white wine and vice versa: if you’re having steak or burgers at home, try serving them with a crisp Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio instead of Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot (which have more earthy flavors). If you’re looking for something more adventurous, try pairing your surf ‘n’ turf with pinot gris–it’s got just enough acidity to cut through all those fatty ingredients!

When it comes down to it though? Just ask yourself one question: Do I want my food or drink to taste better?

Vegetables and wine

If you’re looking for a way to get more vegetables into your diet, then pairing them with wine may be just what the doctor ordered. Vegetables and wine pairings aren’t as common as some other food and drink pairings, but they can be delicious!

Here are some examples:

Pairings are a great way to bridge the gap between two great things.

Pairings are a great way to bridge the gap between two great things.

We all have things we love, but sometimes, they don’t seem to go together. For example: you really like wine and cheese; however, you find yourself wondering if it would be possible for them both to be better than they already are? The answer is yes!

Pairing wine and food together is an excellent way of bringing out the best in both things–and adding some variety into your life as well!


When it comes to pairing food with wine, there are many options. You can try different combinations and see what works best for you. Just remember that the most important thing is to enjoy yourself!